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dc.contributor.authorSimbolon, Domu
dc.description.abstractThe catch amount of skipjack in fishing operation depend on fishing availability at the sea. Availability of fish at the sea can forcasted by detected water fertility that showed by chlorophyll-a concentration. Chlorophyll-a concertation showed phytoplankton abundance as primary producer at the sea. Research was done in 2 stage, to collect data of prodctivity or cathct per unit effort (CPUE)and fishing ground distribution at Binuangeun waters, Banten. The second stage, to download the chlorophyll-a consentration image from Chlorophyl-a concentration value determined with SeaDAS 4.7 software, and chlorophyll-a concentration maps made with Surfer 8.0 software. In 2007, the average of chlorophyll-a concentration in Binuangen water were range from 0,213 mg/m3 - 2,130 mg/m3 and the dominant value range from 0,1 mg/m3 - 0,3 mg/m3. The highest chlorophyll-a concentration were found on September and the lowest found on November. Chlorophyll-a concentration at coastal zone was higher than opened waters. In 2007, the highest CPUE of skipjack were found on July with 203,21 kg/trip and the lowest found on November with 26,57 kg/trip. Fishing ground distribution were concentrated at coastal zone on November-May, and scattered in all waters on July-October. The chlorophyll-a concentration influence toward the catch amount of skipjack at 4 (four) months later.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCatch, chlorophyll-a, skipjack, Binuangeun watersen
dc.titleAnalisis hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang, hubungannya dengan konsentrasi klorofil A di Perairan Binuangeun, Bantenen
dc.title.alternativeBuletin SWIMP (Saranan Wawasan dan Informasi Masyarakat Perikanan)en
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

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