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Title: Kemungkinan Penyediaan Hijauan Makanan Ternak melalui Pertanaman Ganda antara Jagung dengan Hijauan Kacang-kacangan
Other Titles: Media Peternakan Vol.11 Th. 1986
Authors: Kimono, Ignatius
Satoto, Kukuh Budi
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.11;
Abstract: No signifioant effeots wore found on the growth and. l&'Oduot1on of mize interoropped with stylo, oentro or with oomb1nat1oll of bo~ ,forage legumes. ~e o~tive herbage yiold was also unaffected. A signifioant improvement aohieved by the oompmion legumes 'Was reoomed on the quality of herbage. In seneral orude-protein, Cs, and P oontents wero inoreased by 1.9 - 6.8 percentunits, 0.15 - 0.40 porcent units and. 0.04 - 0.09 peroen-Mm1ts respeotiveq, ,Jfhilo the value of d.ryma.tter digestibility inol:'Oased bT 2.0 - 6.6 peroent-units.
Appears in Collections:Media Peternakan

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