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Title: Efek suplementasi Zn terhadap status imun wanita premenopause yang diintervensi dengan minuman berisoflavon
Authors: Winarsi, Hery
Muchtadi, Deddy
Zakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
Purwanto, Agus
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The research was conductetl to find out the effect of Zn s~rpplcmcnt to irnniuric status of premenopausal women intcrvcnterl with isoflavoned cleinlting. Rcspondcnts were 22 women, more tiIan 40 year of age. They were divided into two groups, i.e. I 1 women intcl-vcntcd with isoflnvonc, and otller 11 women intcrvcritctf with isoflavonc and 8 mg Zn. The activities of SOD, catalasc and GPX were determined by spectrophotometer, thymulin lcvels hy ELISA, whereas Zn levels by AAS. Result showed that Zn hntl significantly incrc:lsed SOD lympl~ncytc activities (p=0.002) and thymulin plasma (p=O.Oll). Zn had increased catalasc (p=0.103) and GPX (0=0.322) as wcll, hut Zn pl:~sma had decreased (0.163). It was indicated that Zn had improved the inirnunc status by increasing lympliocytc anti tliynius cells activitics.
Appears in Collections:Hayati Journal of Biosciences

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