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dc.contributor.authorWinarsi, Hery
dc.contributor.authorMuchtadi, Deddy
dc.contributor.authorZakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, Agus
dc.description.abstractThe research was conductetl to find out the effect of Zn s~rpplcmcnt to irnniuric status of premenopausal women intcrvcnterl with isoflavoned cleinlting. Rcspondcnts were 22 women, more tiIan 40 year of age. They were divided into two groups, i.e. I 1 women intcl-vcntcd with isoflnvonc, and otller 11 women intcrvcritctf with isoflavonc and 8 mg Zn. The activities of SOD, catalasc and GPX were determined by spectrophotometer, thymulin lcvels hy ELISA, whereas Zn levels by AAS. Result showed that Zn hntl significantly incrc:lsed SOD lympl~ncytc activities (p=0.002) and thymulin plasma (p=O.Oll). Zn had increased catalasc (p=0.103) and GPX (0=0.322) as wcll, hut Zn pl:~sma had decreased (0.163). It was indicated that Zn had improved the inirnunc status by increasing lympliocytc anti tliynius cells
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEfek suplementasi Zn terhadap status imun wanita premenopause yang diintervensi dengan minuman berisoflavonid
Appears in Collections:Hayati Journal of Biosciences

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