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Title: Faktor Karakteristik Peternak yang Mempengaruhi Sikap Terhadap Program Kredit Sapi Potong di Kelompok Peternak Andiniharjo KAbupaten Sleman Yogyakarta
Other Titles: Media Peternakan Vol.29 No.3, Desember 2006
Authors: Wibowo, S.A.
Haryadi, F.T.
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.29 No.3
Abstract: This research was conducted to know the farmer’s attitude toward cattle credit assistance and farmer’s characteristic factors that influence the probability of the farmer’s attitude toward cattle credit assistance. The respondents in this research were all of the members of Andiniharjo cattle farmer’s group of 40 farmers as respondents which located in Pojokan sub village, Caturharjo, Sleman regency. The farmer’s characteristics factor which influence the probability of the farmer’s attitude toward cattle credit assistance was analized using binomial logistic regressions test. The model of binomial logistic regressions test had 92,5% of correct prediction. The characteristic factors which infuence the probability of the farmer‘s attitude were the age of farmers (P<0.05), the farming motivation (P<0.05) and the income from farming (P<0.05). The conclusion of this research was that most farmer’s attitude of Andiniharjo cattle farmer’s group which located in Pojokan sub village toward cattle credit assistance from PT Telkom was negative. The age of farmers, the farming motivation and the income of farming influenced the probability of the farmer’s attitude to have positive attitude toward cattle credit assistance from PT Telkom.
ISSN: 0126-0472
Appears in Collections:Media Peternakan

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