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Title: Pemeriksaan Macam Bakteri dari Lingkungan Pemeliharaan Kelinci di Lembang dan Bogor
Other Titles: Media Peternakan Vol.10 No.1, Tahun 1995
Authors: Poeloengan, Masniari
Issue Date: 1985
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.10 No.1
Abstract: Some specimens that c o ~ s i s t e do f food, swab of cage and fah/ eces, were collected from .two r&bitries,Bac.heria were examined and identified by microscopic, cillture and biochemical tests. Some bacter i a were isolated. They were Citrobacter z., E. coli, Alkaligenes fa ecalis, -P--- seudmonas E., Klebsie l l a- -sp,, Bacillus %., Proteus z., Aeromonas z ~ . ,C ramobacteriurn z., Citrobacter z.,a nd Staphylococcils aureus .
Appears in Collections:Media Peternakan

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