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Title: Pengaruh Penggunaan Bungkil Biji Kapuk (Ceiba pentandra, Gaertn) dalam Konsentrat Terhadap Konsumsi dan Kecernaan Ransum pada Sapi PFH Jantan Berfistula Rumen
Other Titles: Media Peternakan, Vol.24 No.3
Authors: Hartutik
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Series/Report no.: Vol.24 No.3
Abstract: The aim of this research was to assess the effects of unheated and oven heated kapok seed meals (KSM) as component of the concentrate on feed intake and digestibility of rumen-fistulated Friesian Holstein crossbred bulls. The materials used were three rumen-fistulated Friesian Holstein crossbred bulls, aged ± three years, initial body weight (BW) 452 ± 15.72 kg. The bulls were stalled individually according to Latin Square Design (LSD) 3x3. Each period was divided into two periods, namely: adaptation (three weeks) and data collection (one week) periods. The ration used was three type of concentrates, those were: Ro or control (Elephant grass ad libitum + concentrate: 23% rice bran, 45% wheat pollard, 15% coconut meal, 15% soybean meal, 2% mineral); Rt (Ro using 30% unheataed KSM to replace coconut and soybean meals ); Rz (Ro using 30% oven heated KSM at 146D C for 30 minutes to replace coconut and soybean meals). Drinking water was provided ad libitum. The amount of feed given to the bulls was based on the Nutrient Requirement Table of NRC (Anonymous, 1988). Data were subjected to analyze of variance. The results showed that dry matter (DMI), organic matter (OMI), crude protein (CPI) intake, digestible DM (DDM), digestible OM (DOM), digestible CP (DCP) and DCP intake (DCPI) among the treatments was not affected significantly (P> O.OS), but digestible DMI or DDMI was significantly (P<O.05) and digestible OMI or DOMI was highly significant (P<O.01) affected. Rt gave the lowest DDMI (54.34 gkg BWO·75/d), DOMI (SO.71 gkg BWO·75/d), but Ro had similar DDMI (60.55 gkg BWll-75/d) and DOMI (56.42 gkg BWll-75/d) to Ro. Based on those results it was concluded that R2 tended to have higher intake and digestibility than Rt, but it had similar response to Ro. Therefore the utilization of 30% oven heated KSM at 1460C for 30 minutes in the concentrate could replace 15% coconut and 15% soybean meals.
Appears in Collections:Media Peternakan

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