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dc.contributor.authorArifin, Hadi Susilo
dc.contributor.authorMunandar, Aris
dc.contributor.authorMugnisjah, Wahyu Qamara
dc.contributor.authorArifin, Nurhayati Hadi Susilo
dc.contributor.authorBudiarti, Tati
dc.contributor.authorPramukanto, Qodarian
dc.identifier.citationArifin, H.S., A. Munandar, W.Q. Mugnisjah, N.H.S. Arifin, T. Budiarti dan Q. Pramukanto. 2008. Revitalisasi Pekarangan sebagai Agroekosistem dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan di Wilayah Perdesaan. Proseding Semiloka Nasional “Strategi Penanganan Krisis Sumberdaya Lahan untuk Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi”, Bogor 21-23 Desember 2008, hal: 217 -
dc.description.abstractIndonesian pekarangan (homestead garden) is one of typical agro-ecosystem that has multi-functions. These functions can be defined as the capacity of pekarangan in providing goods and services. Some typical example of pekarangan functions are in providing food such as vegetable, fruit, starch, fish, chicken, and environmental services, such as esthetic, amenity, wildlife niche as well. Therefore potency of pekarangan in providing self-sufficient for the household cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, there are lag of reliable data and information on contribution of pekarangan to supporting food security. Those data are needed in revitalizing the capacity of pekarangan, in particular for supporting food security. The research dealing with revitalization of agro-ecosystem at homestead garden level in supporting food security. The research was conducted within six watershed, e.i. West Java (CiSadane and CiMandiri), Central Java (Tuntang and Progo) and East Java (Kendil and Bondoyudo). The samples were surveyed, intensively, within 35 villages (desa) at 144 homestead plot. The result explained contribution of three groups of homestead plot with the size of pekarangan <120, 120 – 400, and 400 – 600 (sq.m), respectively, in providing income that earned from cash crop (vegetable, fruit, starchy), animal (such as fish and chicken) and off farm activities (such as kiosk). Base on contribution of those good to the household, some strategy to revitalization of pekarangan for food security was
dc.subjectfood securityid
dc.subjecthomestead gardenid
dc.titleRevitalisasi Pekarangan sebagai Agroekosistem dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan di Wilayah Perdesaanid
Appears in Collections:Landscape Architecture

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