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Title: Design of Trickle Irrigation System for Peppers (Capsicum annum var. longum L.) at Resinda Project, Karawang
Authors: Elphyson T.
Pandjaitan, Nora H.
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Trickle Irrigation is an irrigation method which can give continuou.~ water drops at [he root zone. The muin conzponexts of Trickle Irrigation .Jlv.r.tenz are : etnilter, lateral pipe, nlan(fi1d ,7@e, main pipe, water pun~p and other supporting components. This design is trsing point source type of emitter. Each emitter serves 3 pepper plants. The total power consumption at pump station I is 6.6 kW, trt y utnp station 11 is 4.4 k W and at ptrmy station 111 is 8.3 kW. The total operatiorz of pump station I is 752.1 hrs/ season, pump station 11 is 2256.2 hrs / season and putnp .sfaifo n Ill i.s 1504.1 hrs / season.
Appears in Collections:Mechanical & Biosystem Engineering

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