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Title: Penerapan Teknik Editing Pada Produksi Video Web Series "Tirta" Di Youtube Perumda Tirta Pakuan
Other Titles: Application Of Editing Techniques In The Production Of Web Series Video "Tirta" On Youtube Perumda Tirta Pakuan
Authors: Bachtiar, Willy
Ulya, Enden Darjatul
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: ISMOYO ANANDA PUTRA. Penerapan Teknik Editing pada Produksi Video Web Series “Tirta” di Youtube Perumda Tirta Pakuan Dibimbing oleh WILLY BACHTIAR dan ENDEN DARJATUL ULYA. Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada saat ini dapat memudahkan manusia untuk melihat berbagai informasi yang beredar di dunia digital. PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor merupakan instansi pemerintah yang melakukan pemasaran melalui media digital, salah satunya media sosial. Media sosial memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita saat ini, pengguna media sosial dapat berbagi informasi berbentuk peristiwa, gambar, serta video. Media sosial yang digunakan oleh PDAM sebagai media pemasaran yaitu YouTube. YouTube digunakan PDAM untuk media pemasaran yaitu berbentuk web series. Tujuannya yaitu untuk menyampaikan informasi yang relevan dan tepat waktu melalui web series “Tirta”. Waktu pelaksanaan proyek akhir yaitu selama dua bulan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara partisipasi aktif, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Proyek akhir menghasilkan video web series sebanyak tiga episode, episode pertama berjudul “Air Bersih”, episode dua berjudul “Hemat Air”, dan episode tiga berjudul “Pelayanan”. Editor sudah menerapkan teknik editing berupa contiunity editing, compilation editing, paralel editing, cut and sound editing, dynamic editing dan relation editing. Kata kunci: pemasaran, teknik editing, web series ISMOYO ANANDA PUTRA. Application of Editing Techniques in the Production of Web Series Videos "Tirta" on Youtube Perumda Tirta Pakuan Supervised by WILLY BACHTIAR and ENDEN DARJATUL ULYA. The development of information technology today can make it easier for humans to see various information circulating in the digital world. PDAM Tirta Pakuan, Bogor City is a government agency that carries out marketing through digital media, one of which is social media. Social media has a very important role in our lives today, social media users can share information in the form of events, images, and videos. The social media used by PDAM as a marketing medium is YouTube. YouTube is used by PDAM for marketing media in the form of a web series. The goal is to convey relevant and timely information through the "Tirta" web series. The final project implementation period is two months. Data collection techniques are carried out through active participation, observation, documentation and literature studies. The final project produces a web series video of three episodes, the first episode is entitled "Clean Water", the second episode is entitled "Hemat Air", and the third episode is entitled "Pelayanan". The editor has applied editing techniques such as continuity editing, compilation editing, parallel editing, cut and sound editing, dynamic editing and relation editing. Keywords: marketing, editing techniques, web series
Appears in Collections:UT - Digital Communication and Media

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