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Title: “Cookies Tepung Talas Beneng (Xanthosoma undipes K. Koch) dan Tepung Kacang Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) untuk MPASI Pencegah Stunting
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Authors: Widyasari, R.A. Hangesti Emi
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Stunting 1000 Hari Pertama adalah serangkaian upaya untuk mencegah stunting pada anak yang dilakukan selama 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Pemanfaatan kacang sacha inchi dan talas beneng masih minim di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan bahan pangan lokal talas beneng dan sacha inchi diproduksi menjadi cookies MPASI pencegah stunting. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah perbedaan komposisi bahan baku yang digunakan dan diuji karakteristiknya. Formulasi cookies terdiri dari tiga formula, yaitu F1, F2, dan F3. Formula terpilih F2 dengan memiliki hasil rata-rata tertinggi pada parameter rasa, aroma, warna, tekstur (uji hedonik) dan tertinggi untuk kandungan gizi. Hasil uji organoleptic menunjukan nilai penampilan 4.31, aroma 4,.06, warna 4.40, tekstur 4.03, rasa 4.11. Hasil uji proksimat F2 mendapatkan energi sebesar 893 kkal, protein 24 g, lemak 44 g, karbohidrat 102 g, air 10%, abu 8% per 100 gr sudah sesuai dengan SNI 2973-2011 Kadar protein minimal 5% dengan berat sampel 5 gram biskuit tidak kurang dari 100% , kadar asam lemak bebas atau lemak netral maksimal 1 dengan berat sampel 2 gram.
Stunting 1000 Hari Pertama is a series of efforts to prevent stunting in children that are carried out during the first 1000 days of life. The utilization of sacha inchi and talas beneng is still minimal in the community. This research aims to utilize local food materials such as talas beneng and sacha inchi to produce cookies for MPASI (Modified Pediatric Advanced Nutrition) to prevent stunting. The research design uses a Complete Randomized Design (RAL). The treatments conducted in this study are the differences in the composition of the raw materials used and tested for their characteristics. The cookie formulation consists of three formulas, namely F1, F2, and F3. The selected formula F2 has the highest average results for the parameters of taste, aroma, color, texture (hedonic test), and highest nutritional content. The organoleptic test results show a presentation value of 4.31, aroma of 4.06, color of 4.40, texture of 4.03, and taste of 4.11. The proximate analysis of F2 resulted in energy of 893 kcal, protein of 24 g, fat of 44 g, carbohydrates of 102 g, water of 10%, ash of 8% per 100 g, which is in accordance with SNI 2973-2011, with protein content of at least 5% with a sample weight of 5 grams of biscuit not less than 100%, and free fatty acids or neutral fats maximum of 1 with a sample weight of 2 grams.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management of Food Service and Nutrition

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