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dc.contributor.advisorOktariza, Wawan-
dc.contributor.authorAmanda, Keysa-
dc.description.abstractSusu pasteurisasi adalah produk olahan dari KPS Cianjur Utara dengan brand Cipamilk. Menghadapi penurunan permintaan susu pasteurisasi, KPS Cianjur Utara berupaya mengembangkan produk susu pasteurisasi Cipamilk rasa cokelat sesuai keinginan konsumen yang didukung oleh strategi W-O dari laporan magang industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis atribut yang diprioritaskan terhadap kepuasan konsumen sehingga KPS Cianjur Utara dapat merumuskan strategi perbaikan. Metode analisis terdiri dari IPA, CSI, dan finansial. Hasil metode IPA menunjukkan bahwa rasa susu pasteurisasi dan desain kemasan adalah atribut yang diprioritaskan. Secara keseluruhan, konsumen “sangat puas” dengan pengembangan produk susu pasteurisasi rasa cokelat dengan nilai CSI sebesar 82,92%. Strategi yang dilakukan KPS Cianjur meliputi perbaikan terhadap rasa, seperti tingkat kemanisan, kemurnian susu, dan kekhasan rasa cokelat, serta perbaikan desain kemasan untuk meningkatkan daya tarik konsumen. Hasil analisis finansial menunjukkan pengembangan bisnis layak dijalankan dengan meningkatnya RC ratio sebesar 140% dan keuntungan bertambah sebesar Rp6.334.165.-
dc.description.abstractPasteurized milk is a processed product from KPS Cianjur Utara with the Cipamilk brand. Facing a decline in demand for pasteurized milk, KPS Cianjur Utara is trying to develop chocolate-flavored Cipamilk pasteurized milk products according to consumer desires, supported by the W-O strategy from the industry internship report. This research aims to analyze the prioritized attributes for consumer satisfaction so that KPS Cianjur Utara can formulate improvement strategies. The analysis method consists of IPA, CSI, and financial. The results of the IPA method show that the taste of pasteurized milk and packaging design are the prioritized attributes. Overall, consumers are "very satisfied" with the development of chocolate-flavored pasteurized milk products with a CSI value of 82.92%. The strategy carried out by KPS Cianjur Utara includes improvements to taste, such as the level of sweetness, purity of milk, and the distinctive taste of chocolate, as well as improving packaging design to increase consumer appeal. The results of the financial analysis show that business development is feasible with an increase in the RC ratio of 140% and profits increasing by IDR 6,334,165.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Produk Susu Pasteurisasi Cipamilk Rasa Cokelat pada Koperasi Peternak Sapi Cianjur Utaraid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Chocolate Flavored Cipamilk Pasteurized Milk Products at the Koperasi Peternak Sapi Cianjur Utara-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keywordKPS Cianjur Utaraid
dc.subject.keywordchocolate pasteurized milkid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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