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Title: Pengembangan Bisnis Body Wash Susu Kambing pada CV Wayang Dairy Farm Kabupaten Bandung
Other Titles: Business Development of Goat Milk Body Wash at CV Wayang Dairy Farm Bandung Regency
Authors: Faturokhman, Muh.
Yudiputri, Najla Islamia
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: CV Wayang Dairy Farm merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada peternakan sapi dan kambing perah. Perusahaan belum banyak memproduksi produk olahan dari susu kambing yang tersisa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis preferensi konsumen terhadap produk body wash, dan menganalisis kelayakan bisnis non finansial dan finansial pembuatan Body Wash Susu Kambing. Analisis yang digunakan terdiri dari analisis konjoin, nilai tambah, dan analisis kelayakan usaha non finansial dan finansial. Hasil analisis konjoin yaitu atribut yang dianggap penting oleh konsumen terhadap produk body wash yaitu tersertifikasi, harga, ukuran, kemasan, dan desain label. Nilai tambah pengolahan produk sebesar 84%. Hasil analisis kelayakan non finansial terdiri dari aspek pasar dan pemasaran, aspek produksi, organisasi dan manajemen, sumber daya manusia, dan kolaborasi. Hasil analisis kelayakan finansial dikatakan layak dengan NPV sebesar Rp 260.822.559, IRR sebesar 43%, Net B/C sebesar 3,5, Gross B/C sebesar 1,2, dan Payback Period yaitu 3,3. Analisis switching value mentoleransi penurunan maksimum produksi sebesar 16,5531941% dan kenaikan harga bahan baku minyak zaitun sebesar 120,3868662%.
CV Wayang Dairy Farm is a company engaged in cattle and dairy goat farming. The company has not produced many processed products from the remaining goat milk. This study aims to analyze consumer preferences for the body wash products, and analyze the non-financial and financial business feasibility of making Goat Milk Body Wash. The analysis used consists of conjoint analysis, added value, and non-financial and financial business feasibility analysis. The results of the conjoint analysis are attributes that are considered important by consumers of body wash products, namely certified, price, size, packaging, and label design. The added value of product processing is 84%. The results of the nonfinancial feasibility analysis consist of market and marketing aspects, production aspects, organization and management, human resources, and collaboration. The results of the financial feasibility analysis are said to be feasible with an NPV of Rp 260.822.559, IRR of 43%, Net B/C of 3,5, Gross B/C of 1,2, and Payback Period of 3.3. The switching value analysis tolerates a maximum decrease in production of 16,5531941% and an increase in the price of olive oil raw materials by 120,3868662%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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