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Title: Optimasi Formula Whipping Protein dan Adonan untuk Pengembangan Produk Bolu Bebas Gluten Berbasis Mokaf
Other Titles: Optimization of Whipping Protein and Dough Formula for the Development of Gluten-Free Sponge Cake Made from Mocaf
Authors: Subarna
Afif, Hanif Uswa
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Produk bakeri bebas gluten dapat dibuat dari mokaf. Namun, produk tidak dapat membentuk struktur seperti roti. Struktur produk seperti roti dapat dibentuk dengan metode whipping. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan: (1) formula optimum whipping protein pembentuk struktur bolu; (2) formula terbaik bolu bebas gluten berbasis mokaf. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yakni formulasi whipping protein dan bolu. Perlakuan konsentrasi gula (15%, 30%, 45%) serta cream of tartar (0,5%, 1%, 2%) diterapkan pada tahap pertama. Whipping protein diujicobakan pada 3 taraf konsentrasi gula yang sama pada kondisi putih telur segar dan beku. Pada tahap formulasi bolu, perlakuan konsentrasi mokaf (30%, 50%, 65%) serta konsentrasi gula terpilih (30%, 45%) diterapkan. Whipping protein dianalisis daya dan stabilitas buihnya. Sampel bolu diuji secara fisik meliputi volume spesifik, daya kembang, warna, tekstur, serta struktur pori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan daya dan stabilitas whipping protein dipengaruhi konsentrasi gula, cream of tartar, serta jenis telur. Peningkatan konsentrasi gula berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan volume spesifik adonan, warna, penurunan kekerasan, serta pembesaran struktur pori. Peningkatan konsentrasi mokaf berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan volume spesifik adonan dan bolu, peningkatan kekerasan, serta pembentukan struktur pori yang lebih kecil dan rapat. Bolu dengan formula 45% gula dan mokaf sebesar 30% dari putih telur ditentukan sebagai formula terpilih.
Gluten-free bakery products can be made from mocaf. However, the products cannot form a bread-like structure. The sponge structure can be formed by the whipping method. This study aims to determine: (1) the optimum formula for whipping protein as a sponge cake structure builder; (2) the best formula of gluten free sponge cake. This research was conducted in two stages, whipping protein and sponge cake formulation. The amount of sugar (15%, 30%, 45%) and cream of tartar (0,5%, 1%, 2%) applied in the first stage. Whipping protein of fresh and frozen egg white were tested at three levels of sugar. The treatments of mocaf concentration (30%, 50%, 65%) and selected sugar concentration (30%, 45%) were applied in the sponge cake formulation stage. The sponge cake samples were analyzed physically, including specific volume, expansion ratio, color, texture, and pores structure. The results showed that the foamability and stability of whipping protein were influenced by sugar concentration, cream of tartar, and egg type. The increase in sugar concentration had a significant effect on increasing the specific volume of dough, color, decreasing hardness, and enlarging the pores structure. Increasing the concentration of mocaf had a significant effect on reducing the specific volume of dough and sponge cake, increasing hardness, and forming a smaller and tighter pores structure. Sponge cake with a formula of 45% sugar and mocaf by 30% of egg whites was determined as the selected formula.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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