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Title: Perbaikan Stabilitas Mutu Keju Cheddar Olahan Blok Melalui Kombinasi Garam Pengemulsi di PT XYZ
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Authors: Budi, Faleh Setia
Priliacita, Grisselda
Fitriyyah, Anas
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Keju cheddar olahan blok adalah salah satu produk pengembangan keju natural dengan tambahan bahan lain. Emulsi oil in water pada keju olahan dapat mengalami destabilisasi. Fraksi olein keluar dari matriks kasein keju sehingga permukaan keju menjadi greasy dan oily. Dibutuhkan kombinasi garam pengemulsi yang tepat untuk meminimalisir oiling off. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menentukan jenis dan jumlah garam pengemulsi serta mengamati pengaruh reformulasi terhadap fisikokimia keju. Variabel bebas penelitian ini ialah jumlah disodium phosphate (DSP), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), dan trisodium citrate (TSC) dengan variabel terikat meliputi kadar air, lemak, protein, garam, pH, kekerasan, dan oil separation index. Optimalisasi formula dilakukan menggunakan response surface methodology (RSM) dengan Design Expert 13 dan analisis data melalui ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan garam pengemulsi tunggal menghasilkan produk keju dengan oil separation index tertinggi hingga terendah secara berturut-turut ialah DSP (3,3495%), SHMP (1,3171%), dan TSC (0,56245%). Berdasarkan verifikasi, formula optimum 2 dengan kombinasi DSP (12,3014 g), SHMP (4,3706 g), dan TSC (13,328 g) serta nilai desirability 0,204 berhasil meminimalisir oiling off dari 1,7838% menjadi 0,785446%. Oil separation index dikaitkan dengan kemampuan garam pengemulsi dalam mengkelat kalsium. Formula optimum ini memiliki kadar air 44,7483%, lemak 23,7%, protein 4,002%, garam 1,8472%, pH 5,70, dan kekerasan 627,998 N.
Block processed cheddar cheese is a product of developing natural cheese with the addition of other ingredients. Oil in water emulsions in processed cheese can experience destabilization. The olein fraction comes out of the cheese casein matrix so that the surface of the cheese becomes greasy and oily. The right combination of emulsifying salts is needed to minimize oiling off. The aim of this research is to determine the type and amount of emulsifying salt and observe the effect of reformulation on the physicochemistry of cheese. The independent variables of this research are the amount of disodium phosphate (DSP), sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), and trisodium citrate (TSC) with the dependent variables including water content, fat, protein, salt, pH, hardness, and oil separation index. Formula optimization was carried out using response surface methodology (RSM) with Design Expert 13 and data analysis via ANOVA. The results of the research show that the use of a single emulsifying salt produces cheese products with the highest to lowest oil separation index respectively, namely DSP (3,3495%), SHMP (1,3171%), and TSC (0,56245%). Based on verification, optimum formula 2 with a combination of DSP (12,3014 g), SHMP (4,3706 g), and TSC (13,328 g) and a desirability value of 0,204 succeeded in minimizing oiling off from 1,7838% to 0,785446%. Oil separation index is associated with the ability of emulsifying salts to chelate calcium. This optimum formula has a water content of 44,7483%, fat 23,7%, protein 4,002%, salt 1,8472%, pH 5,70, and hardness 627,998 N.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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