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Title: Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Susu Murni Melalui Promosi Offline pada Koperasi Pemasaran Mitra Jaya Mandiri
Other Titles: Analysis of Pure Milk Business Income Through Offline Promotion at Koperasi Pemasaran Mitra Jaya Mandiri
Authors: Atmakusuma, Juniar
Fortuna, Aldila
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Koperasi Pemasaran Mitra Jaya Mandiri membantu para anggotanya dalam memasarkan produk susu mereka secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Namun, penjualan susu murni terhambat oleh promosi yang kurang maksimal. Hal ini menyebabkan distribusi produk dan informasi koperasi terbatas. Oleh karena itu, koperasi perlu meningkatkan upaya promosi offline untuk mengetahui apakah promosi offline mempengaruhi terhadapat peningkatan pendapatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis paired sample t-Test dan analisis parsial. Promosi offline dikatakan berhasil kerena pendapatan meningkat sebesar 22,20% yang dimana Hasil dari uji statistik didapatkan nilai probabilitas data sebesar 0,04, nilai nilai t Stat -2,49 lebih besar dari nilai t Critical one-tail 2,35 sehingga hipotesis null ditolak dan koperasi memperoleh keuntungan tambahan sebesar Rp18.285.000,00 untuk menambah biaya tambahan sebesar Rp1.618.750,00 atau 8,86%.
The Mitra Jaya Mandiri Marketing Cooperative helps its members market their milk products more effectively and efficiently. However, sales of pure milk were hampered by less than optimal promotions. This causes the distribution of cooperative products and information to be limited. Therefore, cooperatives need to increase offline promotional efforts to find out whether offline promotions have an impact on increasing revenue. This research uses the paired sample t-Test analysis method and partial analysis. The offline promotion was said to be successful because revenue increased by 22.20%, where the results of the statistical test showed that the data probability value was 0.04, the Stat t value -2.49 was greater than the Critical one-tail t value 2.35 so the hypothesis null is rejected and the cooperative obtains an additional profit of IDR 18,285,000.00 to add additional costs of IDR 1,618,750.00 or 8.86%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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