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dc.contributor.advisorMaharani, Maya Dewi Dyah-
dc.contributor.authorMariboto, Daniela-
dc.description.abstractSebagai pendatang baru dalam budi daya komoditas cabai rawit, Kelompok Tani Sahabat Tani mengalami masalah pada harga jual yang rendah. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh saluran pemasaran melalui middleman yang menawarkan harga tidak sesuai dengan harga diharapkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah merumuskan ide dan menyusun model pengembangan bisnis, mengetahui penerimaan produk serta menganalisis kelayakan pengembangan bisnis sambal Chili Oil. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Muncang pada Juli hingga Maret 2024. Metode yang digunakan meliputi SWOT, BMC, uji hedonik, nilai tambah dan kelayakan. Dihasilkan alternatif strategi operasional yaitu pendirian unit bisnis sambal Chili Oil. Selanjutnya, penyusunan model pengembangan bisnis didasarkan pada sembilan elemen BMC. Nilai tambah pengolahan produk sebesar 49%. Analisis uji hedonik berdasarkan penerimaan secara keseluruhan, panelis lebih dominan memilih suka dengan nilai 4,14 sehingga dapat diterima dan disukai. Analisis finansial dikatakan layak, dengan NPV Rp309.715.806; IRR 90,56%; Gross B/C 1,25; Net B/C 5,95 dan Payback period selama 25 bulan. Analisis switching value menoleransi perubahan maksimum penurunan produksi sebesar 20,55% dan peningkatan harga input cabai rawit sebesar 107,11%.-
dc.description.abstractAs a newcomer to the cultivation of cayenne pepper commodities, Kelompok Tani Sahabat Tani is experiencing the problem of low selling prices. This is influenced by marketing channels through middlemen who offer prices that do not match the expected prices. The aim of the research is to formulate ideas and develop a business development model, determine product acceptance and analyze the feasibility of developing the chili oil sauce business. This research was carried out in Muncang District from July to March 2024. The methods used SWOT, BMC, hedonic tests, added value and feasibility. The result alternative operational strategy was the establishment of the chili oil sauce business unit. Furthermore, the preparation of the business development model is based on the nine elements of BMC. The added value of product processing is 48%. Hedonic test analysis based on overall acceptance, panelists prefer to like with a value of 4,14 so it can be accepted and liked. The financial analysis is feasible, with NPV Rp. 309.715.806; IRR 90,56%; Gross B/C 1,25; Net B/C 5,95 and payback period is 25 months. The switching value analysis tolerates maximum changes in decreasing production of 20,55% and increasing the input price of cayenne pepper by 107,11%.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Bisnis Sambal Chili Oil sebagai Nilai Tambah pada Kelompok Tani Sahabat Taniid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of the Chili Oil Sauce Business as Added Value to the Cayenne Pepper Commodity for the Sahabat Tani Farmer Group-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keywordcayenne pepperid
dc.subject.keywordadded valueid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness developmentid
dc.subject.keywordchili oilid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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