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dc.contributor.advisorAtmakusuma, Juniar-
dc.contributor.authorShabrina, Defira Annisa-
dc.description.abstractCV Johnson Farm memproduksi telur ayam negeri dan omega dimana melihat adanya inovasi telur antioksidan di luar negeri serta terdapat permintaan. Perusahaan mengimplementasikan sebagai strategi bersaing dalam menguasai pasar di wilayah Bandung dengan diferensiasi produk. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bisnis telur antioksidan secara teknis dan ekonomis. Telur antioksidan dan telur ayam ras memiliki perbedaan dari sisi pakan yang diberikan, kandungan nutrisi, dan tampilan fisik telur. Hasil analisis preferensi konsumen diperoleh atribut yang paling disukai yaitu harga Rp 31.000, kandungan selenium tinggi (40 mcg), tempat penjualan online, dan memiliki jaminan sertifikasi NKV. Hasil kelayakan dari aspek non finansial dan finansial dikatakan layak dengan NPV sebesar Rp 9.629.597.858; IRR sebesar 82%; Net B/C sebesar 7,05; Gross B/C sebesar 1,65; dan payback period 2,19 atau selama 2 tahun 1 bulan 27 hari. Hasil analisis switching value diperoleh penurunan volume produksi penjualan telur antioksidan sebesar 41,17% dan kenaikan harga pakan, feed additive, dan kemasan sebesar 104,85%. Pendapatan tambahan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp 2.563.828.069.-
dc.description.abstractCV Johnson Farm produces domestic chicken eggs and omega eggs, which sees the innovation of antioxidant eggs abroad and there is demand. The company implements it as a competitive strategy to dominate the market in the Bandung area with product differentiation. The aims of this study is to analyze the antioxidant egg business technically and economically. Antioxidant eggs and broiler eggs have differences in terms of the feed given, nutritional content, and physical appearance of the eggs. The results of the consumer preference analysis obtained the most preferred attributes, namely the price of IDR 31,000, high selenium content (40 mcg), online sales place, and having a guarantee of NKV certification. The results of the feasibility from non-financial and financial aspects are said to be feasible with an NPV of IDR 9.629.597.858; IRR of 82%; Net B/C of 7,05; Gross B / C of 1,65; and a payback period of 2.19 or for 2 years 1 months 27 days. The results of the switching value analysis obtained a decrease in the volume of antioxidant egg sales production by 41,17% and an increase in the price of feed, additives, and packaging by 104,85%. The additional income obtained by the company amounted to Rp. 2.563.828.069.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDiferensiasi Produk Inovasi Telur Antioksidan Sebagai Strategi Bersaing untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan CV Johnson Farm Bandungid
dc.title.alternativeAntioxidant Egg Innovation Product Differentiation as a Competitive Strategy to Increase Income of CV Johnson Farm Bandung-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keywordConjoint Analysisid
dc.subject.keywordLaying hensid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness feasibilityid
dc.subject.keywordconsumer preferencesid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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