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Title: Implementasi Pemasaran Online melalui Marketplace Tokopedia pada Penjualan Produk Organik di Rumah Kayu Permaculture
Other Titles: Implementation of Online Marketing through the Tokopedia Marketplace on the Sale of Organic Products at Rumah Kayu Permaculture
Authors: Ridwan, Wonny Ahmad
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Rumah Kayu Permaculture mengalami kendala operasional pada pemasaran produk organik yang disebabkan sistem pemasaran tidak terintegrasi dalam satu aplikasi. Tokopedia menjadi solusi bagi perusahaan untuk meminimalisir kendala operasional yang terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan marketplace tokopedia pada penjualan produk organik, mengidentifikasi skala prioritas perbaikan kualitas pelayanan,serta mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan Tokopedia yang dijalankan perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Hasil dari penelitian yaitu perusahaan mampu menerapkan marketplace Tokopedia dalam penjualan produk organik. Skala prioritas pelayanan yang perlu diperbaiki oleh perusahaan berada pada Kuadran I yaitu terkait kelengkapan informasi produk organik, informasi terkait harga dan stok persediaan yang disajikan dan kemampuan toko dalam memberikan diskon, cashback, dan ongkir gratis. Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang diperoleh sebesar 76,18% dimana termasuk kedalam kategori puas.
Rumah Kayu Permaculture experienced operational problems in marketing organic products due to the marketing system not being integrated in one application. Tokopedia is a solution for companies to minimize operational constraints that occur. The purpose of this research is to implement the Tokopedia marketplace on the sale of organic products, identify the priority scale for improving service quality, and measure the level of customer satisfaction with Tokopedia services run by the company. The methods used in this research are the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) method, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The result of the research is that the company is able to implement the Tokopedia marketplace in selling organic products. The priority scale of services that need to be improved by the company is in Quadrant I, namely related to the completeness of organic product information, information related to prices and stock inventory presented and the store's ability to provide discounts, cashback, and free shipping. The level of customer satisfaction obtained is 76.18% which is included in the satisfied category.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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