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Title: Analisis Uji Organoleptik Sirup Daun Beluntas dengan Penambahan Sari Belimbing Wuluh sebagai Minuman bagi Penderita Kolesterol
Other Titles: Analysis Organoleptic Test of Beluntas Leaves Syrup with the Addition of Bilimbi Juice as a Drink for Cholesterol Sufferers
Authors: Dianah, Rosyda
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Daun beluntas dan belimbing wuluh mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang dipercaya dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol, tetapi pemanfaatannya belum optimal. Pengolahan daun beluntas dan belimbing wuluh menjadi sirup diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan manfaat pangan lokal kepada masyarakat. Sirup merupakan minuman yang terbuat dari campuran air dan gula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hasil uji organoleptik dan mendapatkan formula terpilih. Metode penelitian ini adalah pengembangan formula sirup yaitu formula tahap 1, formula terpilih, dan formula tahap 2. Penambahan sari belimbing wuluh yaitu pada F1 (25 ml), F2 (50 ml), dan F3 (75 ml). Uji organoleptik tahap 1 menghasilkan formula F2 sebagai formula terpilih dengan hasil persentase indikator di atas 60% – 79%. Uji organoleptik formula final dengan formulasi daun beluntas 100 g : sari belimbing wuluh 100 ml mendapatkan hasil persentase sebesar 80%-100%. Uji organoleptik tahap 2 menunjukkan bahwa formula final dapat diterima pada indikator warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan porsi. Satu botol sirup mengandung energi sebesar 154 Kal, protein 0,2 gram, lemak 0 gram, dan karbohidrat 38,4 gram.
Beluntas leaves and bilimbi contain flavonoid compounds which are believed to lower cholesterol levels, but their utilization is not optimal. It is hoped that the processing of beluntas leaves and bilimbi into syrup can introduce the benefits of local food to the public. Syrup is a beverage made from a mixture of water and sugar. This research aims to analyze the results of organoleptic tests and obtain the selected formula. The method of this research is the development of syrup formulas, namely stage 1 formula, selected formula, and stage 2 formula. Adding bilimbi juice to F1 (25 ml), F2 (50 ml), and F3 (75 ml). Stage 1 organoleptic testing resulted in formula F2 as the selected formula with indicator percentage results above 60% – 79%. Organoleptic test of the selected final formula with the formulation of 100 g beluntas leaves: 100 ml bilimbi juice obtained a percentage result of 80%-100%. The stage 2 organoleptic test showed that the final formula syrup was acceptable in terms of color, taste, aroma, texture and portion indicators with a percentage of 80 – 100%. One bottle of syrup contains 154 calories of energy, 0.2 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 38.4 grams of carbohydrates.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management of Food Service and Nutrition

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