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Title: Analisis Pengelolaan Usaha Yogurt di Unit Pengolahan Susu Darul Fallah Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat
Other Titles: Analysis of Yogurt Business Management in Darul Fallah Milk Processing Unit, Bogor Regency, West Java
Authors: Sembada, Pria
Ayuningtyas, Gilang
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Perkembangan pasar menimbulkan perubahan pada kondisi finansial suatu usaha. Selain itu, perkembangan usaha dipengaruhi dari faktor internal dan eksternal. Kegiatan analisis pengelolaan usaha ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji analisis pengelolaan usaha produksi yogurt di Dafamilk, menganalisis kelayakan usaha yogurt berdasarkan aspek finansial dan non finansial, dan mengidentifikasi masalah dan potensi bisnis produk yogurt dan memberikan strategi alternatif pemecahan masalah dan pengembangan bisnis. Metode analisis data yang dipakai yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Rataan produksi susu yang dihasilkan sebesar 13.4L/ekor/hari. Produksi yogurt selama 4 bulan sebanyak 6.012 pack. Pemasaran dilakukan secara online dan offline. Total biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan untuk memproduksi yogurt selama 4 bulan sebesar Rp54.098.861. Penerimaan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp60.350.000. Keuntungan yang diperoleh dari hasil penjualan yogurt sebesar Rp6.251.139 dan Revenue Cost Ratio yaitu 1,12 layak dijalankan. Berdasarkan analisis lingkungan usaha didapatkan 4 strategi alternatif, yaitu strategi kekuatan peluang (S-O), kelemahan peluang (W-O), kekuatan ancaman (S- T), kelemahan ancaman (W-T).
Market developments cause changes in the financial condition of a business. In addition, business development is influenced by internal and external factors. This business management analysis activity aims to review the analysis of the management of the yogurt production business at Dafamilk, analyze the feasibility of the yogurt business based on financial and non-financial aspects, identify the problems and business potential of yogurt products, and provide alternative strategies for problem-solving and business development. The data analysis methods used are qualitative and quantitative. The average milk production produced is 13.4L/head/day. The production of yogurt for 4 months was 6,012 packs. Marketing is done online and offline. The total production cost incurred to produce yogurt for 4 months is IDR 54,098,861. The revenue obtained is IDR 60,350,000. The profit obtained from the sale of yogurt is IDR 6,251,139 and the R/C ratio is 1.12. Based on the analysis of the business environment, 4 alternative strategies were obtained, namely the strategy of opportunity strength (S-O), opportunity weakness (W-O), threat strength (S-T), and threat weakness (W-T)
Appears in Collections:UT - Livestock Management and Technology

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