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Title: Pendugaan Serapan Karbon Mangrove Berdasarkan Karakteristik Lingkungan Di Pesisir Desa Tanjung, Sumenep, Madura
Other Titles: Estimation of Mangrove Carbon Sequestration Based on Environmental Characteristics in the Coastal Area of Tanjung Village, Sumenep, Madura
Authors: Bengen, Dietriech Geoffrey
Kurniawan, Fery
Pratiwi, Jessica Desi
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ekosistem pesisir memiliki potensi serapan karbon yang besar dan mampu menyimpannya hingga ribuan tahun. Mangrove menyerap CO2 dan mengubahnya menjadi karbon organik (karbohidrat) melalui proses fotosintesis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi simpanan dan serapan karbon ekositem mangrove di pesisir Desa Tanjung, Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura. Data serapan dan simpanan karbon diperoleh menggunakan metode alometrik dan Walkley and Black. Kawasan mangrove di Pesisir Desa Tanjung memiliki luasan 13,75 ha. Spesies mangrove yang mendominasi di pesisir Desa Tanjung yaitu spesies Sonneratia alba. Stasiun 4 memiliki simpanan dan serapan karbon mangrove tertinggi yaitu 18,65 ton C/ha dan 68,39 ton CO2eq/ha. Simpanan karbon sedimen tertinggi terdapat di Stasiun 4 (35,87 ton C/ha). Mangrove Desa Tanjung mampu menyimpan karbon sebesar 491,88 ton C dengan nilai serapan karbon pada tegakan mangrove yaitu 1543,33 ton CO2eq.
Coastal ecosystems have the potential to absorb large amounts of carbon and are able to store it for thousands of years. These ecosystems include seagrass ecosystems, salt marsh ecosystems and mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves absorb CO2 and convert it into organic carbon (carbohydrates) through the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, research needs to be carried out to determine the potential for carbon storage and sequestration in the mangrove ecosystem on the coast of Tanjung Village, Sumenep Regency, Madura. Allometric and Walkley and Black methods obtained carbon sequestration and storage data. The mangrove area on the coast of Tanjung Village has an area of 13,75 ha. Mangrove species that dominates Tanjung Village’s coast is Sonneratia alba. Station 4 has the highest mangrove carbon storage and sequestration, which were 18,65 ton C/ha and 68,39 ton CO2eq/ha. The highest sediment carbon storage was at Station 4 (35,87 ton C/ha). Tanjung Village mangroves were capable of storing carbon of 491,88 ton C with a carbon sequestration value in mangrove stands of 1543,33 ton CO2eq.
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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