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Title: Kajian Environmental Service RTH Jalan terhadap Kenyamanan Termal pada Kawasan Street Canyon di Jl. MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat
Other Titles: Environmental Service Study of Road Open Space on Thermal Comfort in the Street Canyon Area at MH Thamrin Street, Central Jakarta
Authors: Nasrullah, Nizar
Sulistyantara, Bambang
Tarigan, Doksa
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: Street Canyon merupakan area jalan yang diapit oleh bangunan di kedua sisinya sehingga menciptakan lingkungan seperti ngarai. Street canyon mempengaruhi tingkat kenyamanan termal bagi pengguna jalan. Street canyon biasanya didominasi oleh kepadatan bangunan dan minim vegetasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keberadaan RTH jalan terhadap kenyamanan termal pengguna di Street Canyon, Jl. MH Thamrin Jakarta Pusat ditinjau dari suhu udara, kelembapan udara, kecepatan angin, dan suhu permukaan. Lokasi dibedakan menjadi dua segmen yaitu RTH lebat dan RTH non lebat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif evaluatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu inventarisasi, analisis, dan sintesis. Atribut kenyamanan termal yang diamati meliputi suhu udara, kecepatan angin, kelembapan udara, dan suhu permukaan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada pagi, siang, dan sore selama 3 hari pada saat kondisi cuaca yang mendukung. Analisis data meliputi analisis THI, analisis NDVI dan analisis korelasi rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Street Canyon, Jl. MH Thamrin tidak memenuhi standar kenyamanan termal. Rata rata suhu udara di RTH lebat dan non lebat yakni 30,3°C dan 31,1°C. Suhu permukaan di RTH lebat dan non lebat yaitu 29,1°C dan 31,9°C. Kelembapan udara di RTH lebat dan non lebat ialah 62,7% dan 62,1%. Kecepatan angin di RTH lebat dan non lebat yaitu 1,4m/s dan 1 m/s. Hasil THI pada segmen RTH lebat dan non lebat didapatkan rata-rata 28 dan 28,8. Berdasarkan pengukuran, kenyamanan termal di RTH non lebat lebih rendah dibandingkan RTH lebat. Menurut survey persepsi pengguna, persepsi di RTH non lebat lebih tidak nyaman dibandingkan RTH lebat. Selanjutnya, seluruh atribut kenyamanan termal yaitu suhu udara, kelembapan udara, kecepatan angin, dan suhu permukaan saling berkorelasi dengan persepsi pengguna. Semakin tinggi suhu udara maka persepsi kenyamanan termal responden akan menurun (correlation coefficient -0,853). Suhu permukaan yang meningkat juga akan menurunkan persepsi kenyamanan termal responden (correlation coefficient -0,928). Meningkatnya kelembapan udara hingga batas tertentu dapat berpengaruh baik bagi persepsi responden (correlation coefficient 0,911), sama halnya dengan kecepatan angin dan persepsi (correlation coefficient 0,893). Selain itu, setiap atribut iklim seperti suhu udara, kelembapan udara, kecepatan angin, dan suhu permukaan yang dikorelasikan dengan persepsi kenyamanan termal memiliki nilai sig. <0,05. Hal ini dapat diartikan, terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antar variabel yang dihubungkan. Hal yang direkomendasikan adalah mengkombinasikan pohon glodogan bulat (Polyalthia fragrans Dalz.) dan ketapang kencana (Terminalia catappa L.) secara continue berjejer, modifikasi halte bis dengan struktur pergola pada kanopi, merubah warna material jalur pedestrian menjadi warna cerah serta pucuk merah (Syzygium oleana L.) disamping kanan dan kiri bangku trotoar
Street Canyon is a street area flanked by buildings on both sides, creating a canyon like environment. Street canyons affect the level of thermal comfort for road users. Street canyon is usually dominated by building density and minimal vegetation. This study aims to determine the effect of the presence of green spaces on the thermal comfort of users in Street Canyon, Jl. MH Thamrin Central Jakarta in terms of air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and surface temperature. The location is divided into two segments, namely dense green space and non-dense green space. This research uses descriptive evaluative method with a quantitative approach, consisting of 3 stages namely inventory, analysis, and synthesis. Thermal comfort attributes observed include air temperature, wind speed, air humidity, and surface temperature. Measurements were made in the morning, afternoon, and evening for 3 days during favorable weather conditions. Data analysis includes THI analysis, NDVI analysis and spearman rank correlation analysis. The results showed that Street Canyon, Jl. MH Thamrin does not meet thermal comfort standards. The average air temperature in dense and non-dense green spaces is 30.3°C and 31.1°C. Surface temperature in dense and non-dense green spaces is 29.1°C and 31.9°C. Air humidity in dense and non-dense green spaces is 62.7% and 62.1%. Wind speed in dense and non-dense green spaces is 1.4m/s and 1 m/s. THI results in dense and non-dense green spaces segment obtained an average of 28 and 28.8. Based on measurements, thermal comfort in non-dense green spaces is lower than dense green spaces. According to user perception surveys, perceptions in non-dense green spaces are more uncomfortable than dense green spaces. Furthermore, all thermal comfort attributes namely air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and surface temperature are correlated with user perceptions. The higher the air temperature, the perception of thermal comfort respondents will decrease (correlation coefficient -0.853). Increased surface temperature will also reduce the perception of thermal comfort of respondents (correlation coefficient -0.928). Increased air humidity to a certain extent can have a good effect on the perception of respondents (correlation coefficient 0.911), as well as wind speed and perception (correlation coefficient 0.893). In addition, each climate attribute such as air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, and surface temperature correlated with the perception of thermal comfort has a sig value. <0,05. This can be interpreted, there is a significant correlation between the variables that are connected. The recommended thing is to combine round Polyalthia fragrans Dalz. and Terminalia catappa L. in a continuous row, modify bus stops with pergola structures on the canopy, change the color of pedestrian path materials to bright colors and Syzygium oleana L. on the right and left of the sidewalk bench.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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