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Title: Stabilitas Minyak Hati Ikan Cucut (Centrophorus sp.) Kaya Squalene sebagai Imunostimulan
Other Titles: Stability of Shark Fish Liver Oil (Centrophorus sp.) Rich in Squalene as an Immunostimulant
Authors: Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Ramadhan, Wahyu
Nurjannah, Farah
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Minyak hati cucut telah banyak diproduksi di Indonesia, namun masih banyak produk minyak hati cucut yang belum sesuai dengan standar. Penelitian ini melibatkan penambahan antioksidan untuk menstabilkan minyak sebagai upaya memperpanjang masa simpannya. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas imunostimulan dan mengetahui sinergisitas adanya vitamin E dalam minyak hati cucut kaya squalene, serta menentukan konsentrasi optimum antioksidan vitamin E dalam menjaga kestabilannya. Aktivitas imunostimulan diujidengan melihat proliferasi splenosit, indeks dan kapasitas fagositosis pada sel mencit. Kestabilan minyak diuji menggunakan metode akselerasi schaal oven testsuhu 40 oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan minyak hati cucut memiliki efek imunostimulan, namun seiring dengan meningkatnya dosis minyak ikan, tidak terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan. Keberadaan vitamin E dalam minyak hati cucut dari proliferasi splenosit seluruh dosis, indeks dan kapasitas fagositosis dosis 100μg/mL bersifat sinergis; sedangkan pada indeks dan kapasitas fagositosis dosis 50μg/mL tidak bersifat sinergis terhadap imunostimulan. Konsentrasi terbaik antioksidan vitamin E adalah 100 ppm.
Shark liver oil has been widely produced in Indonesia, but there are still many shark liver oil products that do not comply with standards. This research involves adding antioxidants to stabilize the oil in an effort to extend its shelf life. This research aims to determine immunostimulant activity and the synergy of vitamin E in squalene-rich shark liver oil, as well as the optimum concentration of antioxidant vitamin E for maintaining its stability. Immunostimulatory activity was tested by looking at splenocyte proliferation, phagocytosis index and capacity in mouse cells. Oil stability was tested using the accelerated schaal oven test method at a temperature of 40 oC. The results of the study showed that shark liver oil had an immunostimulant effect, but as the dose of fish oil increased, there was no significant increase. The presence of vitamin E in liver oil results from splenocyte proliferation at all doses, phagocytic index and capacity at a dose of 100 μg/mL was synergistic; whereas the phagocytic index and capacity at a dose of 50 μg/mL were not synergistic with immunostimulants. The best concentration of antioxidant vitamin E was 100 ppm.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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