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Title: Analisis Persepsi dan Daya Dukung Wisata Kebun Raya Bogor di Era New Normal COVID-19
Other Titles: Analysis of Perception and Carrying Capacity of Bogor Botanical Gardens in the New Normal Era of COVID-19
Authors: Buitenzorgy, Meilanie
Alfarizy, Achmad
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan new normal demi menjaga keberlanjutan berbagai sektor, salah satunya sektor pariwisata. Pelonggaran kebijakan berdampak pada kenaikan jumlah wisatawan di Kebun Raya Bogor secara tiba-tiba. Hal tersebut memberikan potensi negatif terhadap kerusakan lingkungan dan kelestarian sumber daya alam di Kebun Raya Bogor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengidentifikasi persepsi wisatawan terhadap kenyamanan berwisata ke Kebun Raya Bogor di era new normal COVID-19; 2) Mengestimasi kapasitas daya dukung Kawasan Kebun Raya Bogor; dan 3) Merumuskan strategi pengeloaan kawasan wisata Kebun Raya Bogor di era new normal COVID-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kebun Raya Bogor mendapatkan rataan nilai sebesar 3,34 atau mendapatkan persepsi positif akan kenyamanan saat melakukan kegiatan wisata di Kebun Raya Bogor di era new normal. Pada perhitungan daya dukung wisata, Kebun Raya Bogor secara keseluruh tidak mengalami over carrying capacity Berdasarkan analisis QSPM, melakukan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi mengenai kesadaran dalam pelestarian lingkungan wisata merupakan strategi prioritas dalam pengelolaan Kebun Raya Bogor di era new normal.
The Indonesian Government has implemented a new normal policy to ensure the sustainability of various sectors, including the tourism sector. The relaxation of this policy has led to a sudden increase in the number of tourists at Bogor Botanical Gardens. This poses a potential negative impact on environmental damage and the conservation of natural resources in Bogor Botanical Gardens. The objectives of this research are: 1) to identify tourists' perceptions of comfort while visiting Bogor Botanical Gardens in the new normal era of COVID-19; 2) to estimate the carrying capacity of the Bogor Botanical Gardens area; and 3) to formulate management strategies for Bogor Botanical Gardens in the new normal era of COVID-19. The research results show that Bogor Botanical Gardens received an average score of 3.34, indicating a positive perception of comfort when engaging in activities at the gardens during the new normal era. In terms of tourist carrying capacity calculations, Bogor Botanical Gardens as a whole does not exceed its carrying capacity. According to the QSPM analysis, providing education or raising awareness about environmental conservation in tourism is a priority strategy for managing Bogor Botanical Gardens in the new normal era.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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