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Title: Karakteristik Fisik dan Mikrobiologi Dried Yoghurt Probiotik Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Selama Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang
Other Titles: Physical and Microbiological Characteristics of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Probiotic Dried Yogurt During Storage at Room Temperature
Authors: Arief, Irma Isnafia
Wulandari, Zakiah
Abdillah, Rian Fahmi
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pembuatan yoghurt bubuk dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk memperpanjang umur simpan, memperluas kisaran suhu penyimpanan dan jangkauan pemasaran. Bahan alami yang dapat ditambahkan dalam proses pengolahan yoghurt adalah ekstrak bunga rosella yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Suhu dan lama penyimpanan sangat memengaruhi daya tahan kualitas yoghurt. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karakteristik fisik (viskositas, aw, pH, dan total asam tertitrasi), karakteristik mikrobiologi (total BAL), dan uji organoleptik (uji hedonik) dried yoghurt probiotik rosella selama penyimpanan suhu ruang. Produk dried yoghurt yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sudah mengalami penyimpanan selama enam bulan pada suhu beku. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lama penyimpanan berbeda (0, 7, 14, 21, dan 28 hari). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan pada suhu ruang berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai pH, total asam tertitrasi, serta total bakteri asam laktat dried yoghurt probiotik rosella dan rekonstitusinya, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap aw dan viskositas. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa panelis suka terhadap aroma, agak suka terhadap rasa dan warna, serta tidak suka terhadap kekentalan yoghurt rekonstitusi.
Production of powdered yogurt can be used as an alternative to extend shelf life, widen the storage temperature range and marketing reach. Natural ingredients that can be added in the yogurt processing process are roselle flower extract which has many benefits. Temperature and storage time greatly affect the quality of yogurt. This study aims to analyze the physical characteristics (viscosity, aw, pH, and total titrated acid), microbiological characteristics (total LAB), and organoleptic tests (hedonic tests) of roselle probiotik dried yoghurt during storage at room temperature. The roselle probiotic dried yoghurt product used in this research has been stored for six months at freezing temperatures. This study used a completely randomized design with different storage times (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days). The results showed that storage time at room temperature had a significant effect (P<0.05) on pH values, total titrated acid, and total lactic acid bacteria of roselle probiotic dried yogurt and its reconstitution, but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on aw and viscosity. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the panelists liked the aroma, slightly liked the taste and color, and did not like the thickness of the reconstituted yogurt.
Appears in Collections:UT - Technology of Cattle Products

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