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Title: Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Kelapa Menjadi Sabun Padat Transparan dengan Penambahan Essential Oil Lavender
Other Titles: Utilization of Coconut Oil Industrial Liquid Waste to Become Transparent Solid Soap with Additives Essential Oil Lavender
Authors: Suprihatin
Raharja, Sapta
Purba, Punny Benedekta
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi minyak kelapa di Koperasi W masih memiliki kandungan minyak yang cukup banyak. Minyak dan lemak dalam konsentrasi yang tinggi akan merusak lingkungan terutama pada perairan , hal ini dikarenakan Lapisan minyak dan lemak tersebut akan menghalangi masuknya cahaya matahari sehingga tumbuhan air tidak dapat melakukan fotosintesis. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pemanfaatan kembali minyak yang terdapat dalam limbah cair untuk mengurangi volume dan dampak negatifnya. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan memanfaatkan kembali minyak dalam limbah menjadi produk sabun padat transparan dengan penambahan essential oil lavender. Dengan melalui tahap desain keteknikan yaitu fase eksplorasi, pendefenisian masalah, ideasi, prototipe dan validasi maka diracang formulasi sabun padat transparan dengan bahan baku minyak kelapa hasil pemurnian limbah. Hasil analisis keragaman terhadap sabun transparan dengan konsentrasi essential oil lavender yaitu F1 sebanyak 0 ml , F2 sebanyak 0,5 ml dan F3 sebanyak 1 ml pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05) menunjukkan bahwa penambahan essential oil lavender berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai pH dan kekerasan dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, dan stabilitas busa. Sebanyak 57% Panelis menyatakan lebih menyukai sampel sabun F3 dikarenakan memiliki aroma lavender yang lebih menyengat, halus, dan meninggalkan kesan kesat setelah digunakan. Analisis kelayakan finansial sabun memiliki hasil B/C ratio 1,7 > 1 sehingga projek ini layak untuk dikembangkan.
The liquid waste generated from the coconut oil production process at Cooperative W still contains a significant amount of oil. Oil and fats in high concentrations can have detrimental effects on the environment, particularly in aquatic ecosystems. This is due to the fact that the layer of oil and fats can obstruct the penetration of sunlight, thereby inhibiting aquatic plants from engaging in photosynthesis. Consequently, there is a pressing need to effectively repurpose the oil present within the liquid waste in order to diminish both its volume and its associated negative impact. One viable approach to achieving this objective entails the reutilization of the oil within the waste stream to produce solid transparent soap, complemented by the addition of lavender essential oil. By proceeding through the stages of engineering design, namely the exploration phase, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and validation, a formulation for solid transparent soap has been meticulously devised, incorporating refined coconut oil obtained from waste as a fundamental raw material. The outcomes of a variance analysis on the transparent soap, varying in concentrations of lavender essential oil (referred to as F1 with 0 ml, F2 with 0.5 ml, and F3 with 1 ml), at a 95% confidence level (α=0.05), affirm that the addition of lavender essential oil significantly influences both pH levels and hardness, while exerting no statistically significant impact on moisture content and foam stability. A notable 57% of the panelists expressed a preference for the F3 soap sample. This preference arises from its pronounced, refined lavender aroma, which culminates in a smooth and refreshing sensation upon application. A financial feasibility analysis of the soap project reveals a B/C ratio of 1.7, exceeding the threshold of 1. Consequently, this project is deemed economically viable for further development.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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