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Title: Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Tempe Beku Hasil Air Blast Freezing dan Proses Thawingnya terhadap Mutu Fisik dan Sensori
Other Titles: The Effect of Storage Time of Air Blast Freezing Tempe and Its Thawing Process on the Physical and Sensory Quality
Authors: Hariyadi, Purwiyatno
Astawan, Made
Opia, Nesa Fadilah
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tempe merupakan produk pangan yang sangat diminati karena mengandung zat gizi yang tinggi. Potensi tersebut membuka peluang ekspor tempe menuju negara lain, salah satunya Jepang. Namun, tempe memiliki masa simpan yang tidak tahan lama sehingga dilakukan pembekuan dengan Air Blast Freezer (ABF) dan penyimpanan pada suhu rendah (-19 oC). Proses thawing pun perlu dilakukan sebelum tempe beku diolah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mengenai mutu fisik dan sensori tempe beku hasil ABF berdasarkan lama penyimpanan dan proses thawing perlu dilakukan. Analisis mutu fisik tempe ABF selama 12 minggu menunjukkan peningkatan nilai aw serta penurunan nilai daya iris, kekerasan, dan WHC. Warna tempe berubah menjadi kuning kecokelatan. Berdasarkan analisis mutu fisik, proses thawing dengan cara direndam pada air ±20 ⁰C selama 25 menit merupakan proses thawing terbaik. Hasil uji hedonik menunjukkan konsumen lebih menyukai tempe segar dibandingkan dengan tempe ABF 0 dan 12 minggu. Hasil uji CATA menunjukkan bahwa tempe ABF 12 minggu memiliki atribut dominan berupa aroma alkohol, serta tekstur yang soft dan mudah hancur. Tempe ABF 12 minggu yang digoreng pun memiliki atribut dominan yang sama ditambah rasa pahit. Atribut dominan pada tempe ABF 12 minggu jauh berbeda dari tempe ideal dimana menandakan adanya penurunan mutu selama masa penyimpanan.
Tempe is a food product with great demand because it contains high nutrients. This potential opens opportunities for tempe exports to other countries, one of which is Japan. However, tempe has a short shelf life, so it should be frozen in Air Blast Freezer and stored at low temperature (-19 oC). The thawing process needs to be done before the frozen tempe is processed. Therefore, research on the physical and sensory quality of frozen tempe from ABF based on storage time and thawing process needs to be carried out. Analysis of the physical quality of ABF tempe for 12 weeks showed an increase in the aw and a decrease in the slicing power, hardness, and WHC. Tempe color changes to yellow-brown. Based on the analysis of physical quality, the thawing process by soaking it in ±20 ⁰C water for 25 minutes is the best thawing process. The results of the hedonic test showed that consumers preferred fresh tempe compared to 0 and 12 week ABF tempe. The results of the CATA test showed that the 12 week ABF tempe had dominant attributes in the form of an alcoholic aroma with a soft and easily crushed texture. Tempe ABF 12 weeks which is fried also has the same dominant attribute plus a bitter taste. The dominant attribute of 12 week ABF tempe is far different from ideal tempe which indicates a decrease in quality during the storage period.
Description: Saya Nesa Fadilah Opia NIM F24190046 izin mengajukan permohonan pembatasan publikasi skripsi di repository IPB yaitu hanya dalam bentuk abstrak
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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