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Title: Ketahanan Hidup Pediococcus pentosaceus BP (20) dalam Es Krim Sinbiotik Spirulina Fermentasi Selama Penyimpanan
Authors: Desniar, Desniar
Setyaningsih, Iriani
Oktaviani, Putri
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bakteri asam laktat genus Pediococcus memiliki suhu optimum pertumbuhan di kisaran 25 ºC ˗ 40 ºC, belum diketahui bagaimana ketahanan hidup bakteri ini jika disimpan dalam suhu beku (-5 ºC) pada produk es krim. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh penambahan spirulina fermentasi terhadap karakteristik es krim sinbiotik dan ketahanan hidup P. pentosaceus BP (20) dalam es krim sinbiotik spirulina fermentasi perlakuan terbaik selama penyimpanan pada suhu beku beserta potensi aktivitas antioksidannya. Spirulina difermentasi dengan P. pentosaceus BP (20) menghasilkan karakteristik total BAL 8,01 log cfu/mL, nilai pH 4,26, dan kadar TAT 0,20%. Spirulina fermentasi kemudian difortifikasi ke dalam es krim tanpa penambahan (ES0), 10 g (ES10), 15 g (ES15), dan 20 g (ES20). Total mikroba yang diperoleh <4,00-6,18 log cfu/mL, total BAL 0,00-5,72 log cfu/mL, kadar TAT 0,21-0,52%, nilai pH, 6,75-6,71, overrun 30,83-23,67%, daya leleh 0,87-0,94 g/menit, total padatan 45,28-43,37%, kadar protein 15,38-17,07%, dan kadar lemak 10,59-12,35%. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada ES15 yang memiliki karakteristik total mikroba dan total BAL >105 cfu/mL, pH 6,72, kadar TAT 0,48%, overrun 26%, daya leleh 0,9 g/menit, total padatan 42,03%, kadar protein 17,07%, kadar lemak 12,35%, dan aktivitas antioksidan lemah. Ketahanan hidup BAL selama 28 hari penyimpanan menurun sebesar 10,43%.
Lactic acid bacteria genus Pediococcus have an optimum growth temperature in the range 25 ºC ˗ 40 ºC, it is not yet known how the survival of this bacteria if stored in freezing temperatures (-5 ºC) in ice cream products. This study aims to determine effect of adding fermented spirulina on the characteristics and the survival of P. pentosaceus BP (20) in synbiotic ice cream with the best treatment during storage at freezing temperatures along with potential antioxidant activity. Spirulina was fermented with P. pentosaceus BP (20) resulting in LAB 8.01 log cfu/mL, pH 4.26, and TAT 0.20%. Fermented spirulina then fortified into ice cream 0 g (ES0), 10 g (ES10), 15 g (ES15), and 20 g (ES20). Total microbes obtained <4.00-6.18 log cfu/mL, LAB 0.00-5.72 log cfu/mL, TAT 0.21-0.52%, pH 6.75-6.71, overrun 30.83-23.67%, melting power 0.87-0.94 g/min, total solids 45.28-43.37%, protein content 15.38-17.07%, and fat content 10.59-12.35%. The best treatment was obtained from ES15 which had characteristics of total microbes and LAB >5 log cfu/mL, pH 6.72, TAT 0.48%, overrun 26%, melting power 0.9 g/min, total solids 42.03%, protein content 17.07%, fat content 12.35%, and weak antioxidant. The survival of LAB for 28 days of storage decreased by 10.43%.
Description: Keseluruhan skripsi tidak diterbitkan di repository, melainkan hanya bagian cover saja. Surat permohonan pembatasan publikasi sudah dikirimkan pada hari Jum'at tanggal 04 Agustus 2023.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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