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Title: Penentuan Kecukupan Panas serta Uji Sensori Produk Nasi Daun Jeruk Steril Kemasan Retort Pouch di PT XYZ
Other Titles: Determination of Thermal Adequacy and Sensory Test of Sterilized Kaffir Lime Leaf Rice in Retort Pouch at PT XYZ
Authors: Muhandri, Tjahja
Fadhilatunnur, Harum
Sabam, Sabam
Issue Date: 2-Aug-2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Nasi daun jeruk merupakan olahan nasi berbumbu yang memiliki rasa gurih dan aroma segar daun jeruk. PT XYZ telah mengembangkan nasi daun jeruk menjadi nasi instan namun mengalami banyak kekurangan pada proses penyeduhannya. Oleh karena itulah dikembangkan nasi daun jeruk dengan metode pengawetan sterilisasi menggunakan panci presto dengan kemasan retort pouch sehingga didapatkan produk steril. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan nilai F0 sehingga dapat diketahui kecukupan panas yang tercapai selama sterilisasi dan mengetahui penerimaan masyarakat terkait sensori produk nasi daun jeruk steril. Metode penelitian ini memiliki dua tahap yaitu tahap persiapan dan tahap utama. Tahap persiapan berisi proses pembuatan nasi daun jeruk sampai dikemas dalam kemasan retort pouch. Tahap utamanya terdiri dari analisis kecukupan panas mulai dari uji distribusi panas dan uji penetrasi panas dan uji rating hedonik nasi daun jeruk steril dengana atribut yang diuji antara lain warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan overall. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sterilisasi dengan suhu 110°C selama 70 menit menghasilkan nilai F0 terendah sebesar 4,2 menit. Kemasan retort pouch pun tidak mengalami kebocoran setelah dilakukan sterilisasi. Uji rating hedonik nasi daun jeruk steril mendapatkan respon yang cukup positif dimana persentase panelis yang memberi nilai pada rentang 5 (agak suka) hingga rentang 7 (sangat suka) pada tiap atribut sensori lebih dari 50%, hanya saja perlu dikembangkan dari segi warna dan segi tekstur.
Kaffir lime leaf rice is a seasoned rice dish with a savory taste and the fresh aroma of citrus leaves. PT XYZ has developed instant kaffir lime leaf rice but has faced many shortcomings in the preparation process. Therefore, kaffir lime leaf rice has been developed using the commercial sterilization method with a pressure cooker and retort pouch packaging to create a ready-to-eat product. This study aimed to determine the F0 value to assess thermal adequacy during sterilization and to evaluate public acceptance of the ready-to-eat kaffir lime leaf rice product through sensory testing. This research consists of two stages: the preparation stage and the main stage. The preparation stage involved the process of making orange leaf rice until it is packaged in retort pouches. The main stage included the analysis of heat sufficiency, including heat distribution test, heat penetration test, and hedonic rating test of the ready-to-eat kaffir lime leaf rice, evaluate attributes such as color, aroma, taste, texture, and overall perception. The results showed that sterilization at a temperature of 110°C for 70 minutes resulted in the lowest F0 value of 4.2 minutes. The retort pouch packaging did not show any leakage after sterilization. The hedonic rating test of the ready-to-eat kaffir lime leaf rice received a fairly positive response, with more than 50% of the panelist giving scores ranging from 5 (somewhat like) to 7 (very much like). However, improvements are needed in terms of color and texture.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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