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dc.contributor.advisorWijaya, Christofora Hanny-
dc.contributor.authorSurani, Sri-
dc.description.abstractTeh hijau memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan teh hitam dan teh oolong, namun preferensi sensori konsumen terhadap teh hijau rendah. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh formula campuran teh hijau, bunga telang, bunga rosella dan daun jeruk purut yang optimal dari sisi aktivitas antioksidan dan preferensi sensori. Formula optimum diperoleh melalui proses optimasi dengan menggunakan metode mixture D-optimal pada piranti lunak Design expert 13.0®. Komposisi formula optimum yang disarankan software design expert yaitu teh hijau 0,15gram, bunga telang 0,03gram, bunga rosella 0,81gram dan daun jeruk purut 1,01gram. Formula optimum tersebut memiliki nilai desirability yang memuaskan (81,9%). Teh formula optimum memiliki nilai pH 2,72, TAT 20,11%, warna secara fisik nilai L 31,96, nilai a 23,84, dan nilai b 8,19, nilai hedonik warna 6,0 (suka - sangat suka), hedonik aroma 5,1(agak suka - suka), hedonik rasa asam 3,6 (agak tidak suka - netral), hedonik rasa pahit 4,4 (netral – agak suka), hedonik aftertaste sepat 4,4 (netral – agak suka), hedonik overall 4,3 (netral – agak suka), dan nilai IC50 119,05ppm. Teh formula optimum memiliki preferensi sensori yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan teh hijau perkebunan X pada atribut sensori warna, aroma, rasa, aftertaste sepat, dan overall, namun preferensi sensori teh formula optimum dengan teh hijau komersial merk A dan B hanya lebih baik pada atribut sensori warna, rasa, aftertaste sepat, dan overall, tidak berbeda nyata pada atribut sensori aroma. Teh formula optimum memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang tergolong sedang, lebih rendah dibandingkan teh hijau perkebunan X dan teh hijau komersial merk A dan B. Teh formula optimum lebih unggul secara sensori dengan nilai kesukaan paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan ketiga produk pembanding
dc.description.abstractGreen tea has higher antioxidant activity when compared to black tea and oolong tea, but consumers’ sensory preference of green tea is low. This study aims to obtain the optimal mixture of green tea, butterfly pea flower, rosella flower and kaffir lime leaves in terms of antioxidant activity and sensory preference. The optimum formula is optimized using the mixture D-optimal method in the software Design Expert 13.0®. The optimum formula composition suggested by the design expert software is 0,15 grams of green tea, 0,03 grams of butterfly pea flower, 0,81 grams of rosella flower, and 1,01 grams of kaffir lime leaf. The optimum formula has a satisfactory desirability value (81,9%). The optimum formula has a pH value of 2,72, TAT value of 20,11%, physical color value of L 31,96, a value of 23,84, b value of 8,19, color hedonic value of 6,0 (like - really like), hedonic aroma 5,1 (like moderately - like), hedonic sour taste 3,6 (rather dislikes - neutral), hedonic bitter taste 4,4 (neutral – like moderately), hedonic aftertaste astringent 4,4 (neutral – like moderately), hedonic overall 4,3 (neutral – like moderately), and IC50 value of 119,05ppm. Optimum formula tea has better sensory preferences compared to the green tea produced by X plantation on the sensory attributes of color, aroma, taste, astringent aftertaste, and overall, but sensory preferences of optimum formula tea with commercial green tea brands A and B are only better on sensory attributes of color, taste, astringent aftertaste, and overall, not significantly different on aroma sensory attributes. Optimum formula tea has moderate antioxidant activity, lower than the plantation green tea produced by X tea plantation and commercial green tea brand A and B. However, the optimal formula tea sensorically is preferred over the other three comparison
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOptimasi Formula Teh Hijau, Bunga Telang, Rosella, dan Daun Jeruk Purut Sesuai Preferensi Sensori dan Aktivitas Antioksidanid
dc.title.alternativeOptimization of Green Tea, Butterfly Pea Flower, Rosella, and Kaffir Lime Leaf Formulas Based on Sensory Preference and Antioxidant Activityid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbutterfly pea flowerid
dc.subject.keywordformula optimizationid
dc.subject.keywordgreen teaid
dc.subject.keywordkaffir lime leafid
dc.subject.keywordrosella flowerid
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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