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Title: Life Cycle Inventory pada Kapal Perikanan Berbahan Dasar Kayu dan Berbahan Dasar Fiberglass
Other Titles: Life Cycle Inventory on Wood-based and Fiberglass-based Fishing Vessels
Authors: Kurniawati, Vita Rumanti
Novita, Yopi
Rananda, Gema
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemerintah mengembangkan kapal fiberglass sebagai alternatif kapal kayu yang biasa digunakan nelayan. Seiring dengan target pembangunan berkelanjutan, selaku pengambil kebijakan pemerintah perlu tinjauan sustainability terhadap kedua material tersebut. Untuk itu, pemerintah perlu tinjauan studi terhadap dua material tersebut dalam perspektif life cycle. Salah satu tahapan penting dalam analisis life cycle adalah Life Cycle Inventory (LCI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kapal perikanan berbahan dasar kayu dan berbahan dasar fiberglass berdasarkan tinjauan LCI. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan studi literatur yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif komparatif. Data yang diolah berupa proses dan biaya dari awal pembuatan kapal, perbaikan, perawatan, dan masa akhir pemakaian kapal serta siklus hidupnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa input dan biaya yang dibutuhkan kapal kayu dalam satu tahun bernilai 841,18 kg material dan Rp10.327.500,00. Kapal fiberglass dan cetakannya bernilai 165,26 kg material dan Rp7.406.083,00. Dengan asumsi kedua kapal mengoperasikan alat tangkap payang di Palabuhanratu, diketahui input dan biaya yang dibutuhkan kapal kayu per hasil tangkapan dalam satu tahun sebesar 0,09 kg material/kg ikan dan Rp1.066,06/kg ikan. Sedangkan, kapal fiberglass dan cetakannya sebesar 0,02 kg material/kg ikan dan Rp764,532/kg ikan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kapal kayu membutuhkan lebih besar sumberdaya dari lingkungan dan biaya dari pada kapal fiberglass.
The government is developing fiberglass boats as an alternative to wooden boats commonly used by fishers. Along with the target of sustainable development, the government, as a policy maker, needs to review the sustainability of these two materials. Accordingly, the government requires information regarding the review of those two materials from a life cycle perspective. One of the important stages in life cycle analysis is Life Cycle Inventory (LCI). This study aims to compare wooden and fiberglass fishing vessels based on LCI analysis. Data were collected through interviews and literature studies which were then analyzed comparatively. It incorporated construction processes and costs from the beginning of boat building, repair, maintenance, and the end of boat use and its life cycle. The results showed that the inputs and costs required by wooden boats in one year were 841.18 kg material and Rp10,327,500.00; while fiberglass boats were 165,26 kg material and Rp7.406.083,00. Assuming both boats operate payang (pelagic Danish seine) in Palabuhanratu, it is known that the inputs and costs required by wooden boats per catch in one year are 0.09 kg material/kg of fish and Rp1,066.06/kg of fish. Meanwhile, fiberglass boats are responsible for 0.02 kg material/kg of fish and Rp764,532/kg of fish. This study shows that wooden boat require more resources from the environment and costs than fiberglass boat.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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