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Title: Kemasan Exotherm Reaction Self-Heating dengan Material Kalsium Oksida Cangkang Kerang Darah untuk Pangan Darurat Bubor Paddas
Authors: Riyanto, Bambang
Trilaksani, Wini
Rahmaeni, Nur'afni
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kebencanaan umumnya disebabkan oleh kejadian alam dan menyangkut juga kejadian luar biasa seperti pandemi covid 19. Konsep pengembangan pangan darurat mengharuskan kesesuaian dengan standar. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan reaktan kalsium oksida cangkang kerang darah pada kemasan exotherm reaction self-heating untuk pangan darurat bubor paddas. Penelitian meliputi pembuatan dan determinasi karakteristik bubor paddas untuk sajian harian pangan darurat, kalsinasi kalsium oksida dari cangkang kerang darah, rancangan dan determinasi karakteristik kemasan exotherm reaction self-heating dari kalsium oksida cangkang kerang darah untuk pangan darurat bubor paddas. Bubor paddas mengandung 510 kkal dengan serving size 380 g. Kalsium oksida cangkang kerang darah melalui kalsinasi 900°C selama 4 jam memiliki kristalisasi dengan entalpi -312,20 J/g dan -21,30 J/g. Perbandingan dengan air 1:2 dan nilai pH 11,68±0,49 dapat menghasilkan panas 6,72 kJ atau menghangatkan pangan darurat bubor paddas pada kemasan exotherm reaction self-heating dengan suhu 28 ℃ setelah kestabilan waktu 40 menit.
Disasters are generally caused by natural events and also involve extraordinary events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept of emergency food development requires compliance with standards. The research aims to determine the reaction of calcium oxide from blood clam shells in exothermic reaction self heating packaging for emergency food, specifically for bubor paddas. The research includes the production and determination of the characteristics of bubor paddas for daily emergency food consumption, calcination of calcium oxide from blood clam shells, the design and determination of the characteristics of exothermic reaction self-heating packaging from calcium oxide from blood clam shells for emergency food, specifically for bubor paddas. Bubor paddas contains 510 kcal with a serving size of 380 g. Calcium oxide from blood clam shells through calcination at 900°C for 4 hours has crystallization with enthalpy of -312.20 J/g and -21.30 J/g. A ratio of 1:2 with water and a pH value of 11.68±0.49 can generate heat of 6.72 kJ or warm the emergency food, specifically the bubor paddas, in the exothermic reaction self-heating packaging to a temperature of 28 ℃ after a stabilization time of 40 minutes.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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