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Title: Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma terhadap Sifat Gelatin Kulit Ikan Patin
Authors: Nurilmala, Mala
Jacoeb, Agoes Mardiono
Sugoro, Irawan
Mertoni, Azila Pramesti
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Gelatin merupakan jenis protein yang diperoleh dari proses hidrolisis kolagen. Salah satu bahan baku gelatin adalah kulit ikan patin. Iradiasi sinar gamma Cobalt 60 mampu mengurangi jumlah populasi mikroba indegenus dengan cara merusak rantai DNA sehingga terjadi kematian sel, mutasi sel, atau transformasi sel. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan karakteristik fisik-kimia dan mikrobiologi gelatin kulit ikan patin dengan dosis iradiasi sinar gamma 0 kGy, 2 kGy, 4 kGy dan 8 kGy. Produksi gelatin dilakukan dengan pretreatment di dalam NaOH 0,2 M, asam asetat 0,05 M dan jeruk nipis 0,5%. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan uji lanjut Duncan. Perbedaan dosis iradiasi sinar gamma tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap kenampakan, kadar air, kadar abu, pH, dan setting point. Perlakuan dosis sinar gamma berpengaruh nyata terhadap kekuatan gel, viskositas dan jumlah mikroba. Gelatin kulit ikan patin dapat digunakan dalam produk pangan karena telah memenuhi standar GMIA 2019 dan SNI 8622-2018. Kata kunci : dosis, gelatin, mikroba, sinar gamma.
Gelatin was a type of protein which has obtained from the hydrolisis of collagen process. One of the raw material for gelatin was Pangasius skin. Gamma irradation Cobalt-60 was able to reduce the number of indigenous microbial populations by damaging the DNA chain so that resulting cell death, cell mutation or cell transformation. This study aimed to determine the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of Pangasius skin gelatin at a dose of gamma ray irradiation 0 kGy, 2 kGy, 4 kGy and 8 kGy. Gelatin production was beginned by pretreatment in 0,2 M NaOH, 0,05 M asetic acid, and 0,5% lime. The experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Duncan’s follow-up test. The difference of gamma irradiation dose had no effect on appearance, moisture content, ash content, pH, and setting point. The treatment of gamma irradiation had effect on gel strength, viscosity and number of microbial. The gelatin of Pangasius skin can be used in food product because it has met the standards of GMIA 2019 and SNI 8622-2018. Keyword : dose, gamma radiation, gelatin, microbial
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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