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Title: Pengaruh Rasio Substitusi Tepung Tapioka dengan Biji Chia dan Selasih terhadap Karakteristik Sosis Ayam
Other Titles: Effect of Tapioca Flour Substitution Ratio with Chia and Basil Seeds on Characteristics of Chicken Sausage
Authors: Adawiyah, Dede Robiatul
Salmah, Dewi
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Chia seed dan selasih memiliki karakteristik fisik mampu membentuk lapisan gel ketika dicampur dengan air. Gel pada chia seed dan biji selasih merupakan polisakarida kelompok hidrokoloid yang banyak diaplikasikan pada produk pangan dan berpotensi digunakan pada produk emulsi karena kemampuannya menahan air. Sosis adalah produk emulsi daging yang ditambahkan bahan pengisi, bahan pengikat dan bumbu-bumbu. Penggunaan tepung tapioka dalam pembuatan sosis sebagai bahan pengisi dan pengikat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari dan mengetahui pengaruh rasio substitusi chia seed dan biji selasih dengan tepung tapioka terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia dan sensori pada sosis ayam. Perlakuan penambahan gel chia seed /biji selasih dan tepung tapioka dilakukan pada rasio persentase (0:10)%, (2,5:7,5)%, (5:5)%, (7,5:2,5)%, dan (10:0)% terhadap berat daging ayam. Pengujian produk meliputi analisis fisik untuk menentukan formulasi terpilih diantaranya analisis warna, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA), cooking loss dan stabilitas emulsi. Sampel formulasi terpilih kemudian dilanjutkan analisis proksimat (kadar air, abu, lemak, protein, dan karbohidrat) serta uji rating hedonik. Hasil uji warna menunjukkan penambahan gel chia pada sosis meningkatkan nilai L* sedangkan penambahan gel selasih pada sosis menurunkan nilai L*. Hasil uji tekstur menunjukkan semakin tinggi penambahan gel chia atau selasih maka menurunkan hardness. Hasil terbaik yaitu sampel sosis chia 2,5% dan sampel sosis selasih 2,5%, dengan pertimbangan rendahnya persentase cooking loss dan meningkatnya stabilitas emulsi sosis. Hasil analisis proksimat terhadap sosis chia dan selasih menunjukkan nilai yang telah memenuhi persyaratan SNI, terkecuali untuk kadar air sosis selasih (69,51 ± 0,06)%. Uji rating hedonik menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan pada atribut warna, tekstur, rasa, dan penerimaan secara keseluruhan, namun tidak signifikan untuk atribut aroma. Sampel sosis chia 2,5% memiliki tingkat kesukaan tertinggi untuk atribut warna. Sampel sosis selasih 2,5% memiliki tingkat kesukaan tertinggi untuk atribut aroma dan tekstur. Hasil penilaian uji rating hedonik memiliki skor 4-5 (netral – suka), sehingga secara keseluruhan penambahan gel chia dan selasih pada sosis ayam dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen.
Chia seeds and basil have the physical characteristics of being able to form a gel layer when mixed with water. The gel in chia seeds and basil seeds is a hydrocolloid polysaccharide group that is widely applied to food products and has the potential to be used in emulsion products because of its ability to absorb water. Sausage is a meat emulsion product that is added with fillers, binders and spices. The use of tapioca flour in making sausages as a filler and binder. This study aims to study and determine the effect of the substitution ratio of chia seeds and basil seeds with tapioca flour on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chicken sausage. The addition of chia seed gel / basil seeds and tapioca flour was carried out at the percentage ratios (0:10)%, (2,5:7,5)%, (5:5)%, (7,5:2,5)% , and (10:0)% of the weight of chicken meat. Product testing includes physical analysis to determine the selected formulation including color analysis, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA), cooking loss and emulsion stability. The selected formulation sample was then continued with proximate analysis (moisture, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrate content) and hedonic rating test. The results of the color test showed that the addition of chia gel in sausages increased the L* value, while the addition of basil gel in sausages decreased the L* value. Texture test results show that the higher the addition of chia or basil gel, the lower the hardness. The best results were 2.5% chia sausage samples and 2.5% basil sausage samples, taking into account the low percentage of cooking loss and increased stability of the sausage emulsion. The results of the proximate analysis of chia and basil sausages showed that the values had met the requirements of SNI, except for the water content of basil sausages (69.51 ± 0.06)%. The hedonic rating test showed significant differences in the attributes of color, texture, taste, and overall acceptance, but not significant for the attributes of aroma. The 2.5% chia sausage sample had the highest level of preference for the color attribute. The 2.5% basil sausage sample had the highest level of preference for aroma and texture attributes. The results of the hedonic rating test have a score of 4-5 (neutral – like), so that overall the addition of chia gel and basil on chicken sausages can be well received by consumers
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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