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Title: Autentikasi genetik terhadap perbedaan morfologi ikan bawal budidaya (Trachinotus spp.) berdasarkan marka gen 16s rRNA
Other Titles: Genetic authentication on morphological variation in cultivated pompano (Trachinotus spp.) based on the 16s rRNA gene marker
Authors: Kamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
Hakim, Agus Alim
Sari, Dyah Widya
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ikan bawal (Trachinotus spp.) termasuk komoditas unggulan perairan laut dangkal yang mengalami peningkatan permintaan sehingga perlu dilakukan konservasi melalui kegiatan budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengautentikasi spesies ikan bawal yang dibudidayakan di BPBL Batam sebagai informasi keragaman genetik dan kekerabatannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April hingga November 2021. Metode yang digunakan yaitu isolasi dan ekstraksi DNA, amplifikasi dan visualisasi, dan sekuensing gen 16s rRNA. Analisis data meliputi analisis morfologi, pensejajaran, analisis filogeni dan jarak genetik menggunakan MEGA 11. Seluruh sampel menghasilkan DNA total yang baik namun terdapat kontaminan. Hasil PCR menunjukkan pita DNA tunggal dan tebal dengan ukuran basa sesuai target. Hasil validasi menunjukkan seluruh sampel merujuk pada T. blochii dengan nilai persen identifikasi 100% dan nilai jarak genetik 0,000. Pohon filogeni menunjukkan tiga spesies bawal berada satu klaster dengan famili Carangidae. Oleh karena itu, ketiga jenis bawal memiliki kemiripan yang cukup identik dengan spesies T. blochii.
Pompano (Trachinotus spp.) is one of the leading commodities in shallow marine waters which is experiencing an increase in demand, so it is necessary to conserve it through aquaculture. This study aims to authentify species of pompano cultivated at BPBL Batam as information on genetic diversity and kinship. The study was conducted from April to November 2021. The methods are using DNA isolation and extraction, amplification and visualization, and 16s rRNA gene sequencing. Data analysis includes morphological analysis, alignment, phylogeny analysis, and genetic distance using MEGA 11. All samples produced good total DNA but contained contaminants. The result of PCR showed DNA single and thick with the base size according to the target. Results of validation showed that all samples referred to T. blochii with a percent identification value of 100% and a genetic distance is 0.000. The phylogeny tree shows that three types of pompano are in one cluster with the family of Carangidae. Therefore it can be concluded that three types of pompano have an identical resemblance to the species of T. blochii.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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