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Title: Kualitas Fisik Limbah Biji Durian (Durio zibenthinus) yang Diolah Menjadi Pelet
Other Titles: Physical Quality of Durian Seed (Durio zibenthinus) Waste Processed into Pellet
Authors: Sukria, Heri Ahmad
Wijayanti, Indah
Sembiring, Juselin M S
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengolah biji durian menjadi pelet dan mengevaluasi kualitas fisik pelet biji durian. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (2x2) dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang digunakan adalah ukuran partikel dan level penambahan tepung tapioka sebagai bahan perekat. Variabel yang diamati adalah ukuran partikel dari tepung biji durian, sifat dan kualitas fisik biji durian yang meliputi kadar air, berat jenis, kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, sudut tumpukan dan indeks durabilitas pelet. Berdasarkan penelitian, biji durian dapat diolah menjadi pelet dan dapat menjadi alternatif sumber karbohidrat. Interaksi antara ukuran partikel dan level penambahan tapioka nyata memengaruhi kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan dan indeks durabilitas pelet. Pelet dengan ukuran partikel 242 μm dan penambahan tapioka 1% sebagai bahan perekat menghasilkan kualitas fisik pelet yang paling optimal.
This study aimed to process durian seed into pellets and evaluate the physical quality of durian seed pellets. This study was conducted in a completely randomized factorial design (2 × 2) with 3 replications. The factor used were particle size and tapioca addition level as binder. The variable observed were the particle size of durian seed flour, physical characteristics and quality of durian seed which included moisture content, specific gravity, specific density, compacted specific density, angle of repose and pellet durability index. The data of physical characteristic and quality were analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan’s test. Based on the study, durian seed can be processed into pellet and can be an alternative source of carbohydrate. Interaction between particle size and level of addition of tapioca significantly affects the specific density, compacted specific density and pellet durability index. Pellet with particle size of 242 μm and addition of 1% tapioca as binder gave the most optimal physical quality of pellets.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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