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Authors: Erizal
Putra, Heriansyah
Rahmawan, Rama Zaky
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Beton bertulang merupakan bahan konstruksi yang paling banyak digunakan. Namun karena kuat tariknya yang lemah dan sifatnya yang getas maka beton sering retak. Retak dapat memudahkan masuknya zat agresif ke dalam baja dan menyebabkan korosi pada tulangan. Retak halus atau micro cracks akan mengalami peningkatan ukuran jika dibiarkan sehingga upaya pemeliharaan dan inspeksi infrastruktur menjadi hal yang penting. Pemanfaatan bakteri menjadi hal yang menarik untuk diterapkan sebagai bahan penyembuh untuk perbaikan retak beton. Bacillus subtilis digunakan sebagai agen penyembuhan dalam penelitian ini, selain itu kalsium laktat juga ditambahkan sebagai nutrien bagi bakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi jumlah kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) yang terbentuk, mengevaluasi perbaikan keretakan beton, serta menganalisis pengaruh penambahan bakteri dan kalsium laktat (CaL) terhadap sifat mekanis beton seperti kuat tekan, permeabilitas, dan daya serap. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2021-Mei 2022. Beberapa alat utama yang digunakan yaitu universal testing machine (UTM), alat uji permeabilitas, inkubator, autoklaf, kamera HP Samsung galaxy note 10+, mikroskop digital, dan mikroskop elektron. Bahan utama yang digunakan yaitu semen portland composite cement (PCC), agregat kasar berupa kerikil lebak wangi, agregat halus berupa pasir cimangkok, kalsium laktat teknis, strain bakteri Bacillus subtilis, nutrient agar, dan nutrient broth. Prosedur penelitian dimulai dengan pengujian propertis agregat, penghitungan mix design, kuktur mikroorganisme, pengujian test-tube, pembuatan sampel beton, curing beton, pengujian image processing, pengujian sifat mekanis seperti kuat tekan, permeabilitas, dan daya serap beton, serta pengujian dengan menggunakan scanning electron microscope (SEM) dan mikroskop digital dengan seri VHX 7000 untuk mengkonfirmasi morfologi atau topografi beton. Larutan dengan konsentrasi CaL 65,4 g/L dan penambahan 2 mL bakteri menghasilkan massa kalsit tertinggi. Komposisi tersebut diaplikasikan pada campuran beton secara langsung. Perbaikan retakan diamati secara visual pada umur 28 hari dengan retakan yang terlihat tertutup. Hasil pengolahan dengan software imageJ pada beton bakteri + CaL menghasilkan rasio perbaikan retak mencapai 95,94%. Penambahan bakteri dan CaL meningkatkan kuat tekan pada beton retak sebesar 13,16%. Efek positif juga terjadi pada sifat permeabilitas maupun penyerapan, permeabilitas berkurang hingga 53,12% dan penyerapan berkurang sebesar 22,20%. Efek positif terhadap sifat mekanis ini disebabkan oleh adanya endapan CaCO3 yang terbentuk akibat metabolisme bakteri sehingga pori pori lebih rapat dan retak permukaan tertutup. Hal tersebut dikonfirmasi dengan pengujian SEM yang menunjukkan hasil bahwa di dalam matriks beton terdapat kristal kalsit. Hasil pengamatan dengan mikroskop digital versi VHX-7000 menunjukkan kristal-kristal yang terdapat pada area retakan beton.
Reinforced concrete is the most widely used construction material, but because of its weak tensile strength and brittle nature, the concrete often cracks. the racks can facilitate the entry of aggressive substances into the steel and cause corrosion of the reinforcement thereby reducing the durability of the concrete and shortening the concrete age. Fine cracks or micro cracks will increase in size if left unchecked, so maintenance and inspection of infrastructure is important. The use of bacteria is an interesting thing to be applied as a healing agent for repairing concrete cracks. In this study, Bacillus subtilis was used as a healing agent and calcium lactate was also added as a nutrient for bacteria. The purpose of this study was to identify the amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formed, evaluate the repair of concrete cracks, and analyze the effect of adding bacteria and calcium lactate (CaL) to the mechanical properties of concrete such as compressive strength, permeability, and absorption. The research was conducted in October 2021-May 2022. Some of the main tools used were Universal Testing Machine (UTM), permeability test equipment, incubator, autoclave, Handphone‟s camera of Samsung galaxy note 10+, digital microscope, and electron microscope. The main ingredients used are Portland Composite Cement (PCC), coarse aggregate, that was Lebak Wangi gravel, fine aggregate, that was of Cimangkok sand, technical calcium lactate, bacterial strain of Bacillus subtilis, nutrient agar, and nutrient broth. The research procedure begins with testing aggregate properties, calculating mix design, culturing the microorganism, testing the test-tube, making concrete samples, curing concrete, testing image processing, testing mechanical properties such as compressive strength, permeability, and absorption of concrete, as well as testing using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and digital microscope with VHX-7000 series to confirm the morphology or topography of the concrete. The highest mass of calcite was produced in a solution 2 mL of bacteria and CaL concentration of 65,4 g/L. The composition is applied to the concrete mix directly. Crack repair was observed visually at the age of 28 days, the crack looks closed. The results of processing with ImageJ software on bacterial concrete + CaL resulted in a crack repair ratio reached 95,94%. The addition of bacteria and CaL increased the compressive strength of cracked concrete by 13,16%. Positive effects also occur in the permeability and absorption properties, the permeability is reduced to 53,12% and the absorption is reduced by 22,20%. This positive effect on mechanical properties is caused by the presence of CaCO3 deposits formed due to bacterial metabolism so that the pores are denser and the surface cracks are closed. This was confirmed by SEM testing which showed that in the concrete matrix there were calcite crystals. The results of observations with a digital microscope version of the VHX-7000 showed crystals found in the area of concrete cracks.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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