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Title: Dukungan Sosial, Stres Ibu, dan Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Anak Prasekolah pada Keluarga dengan Ibu Bekerja selama Pandemi Covid-19
Other Titles: Social Support, Maternal Stress, and Social Emotional Development of Pre-School Children among Working Mother Families during Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Rizkillah, Risda
Qudsi, Hadlirah Aulia
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan ibu bekerja harus menyesuaikan diri mengingat banyak hal yang berubah selama pandemi. Hal tersebut semakin menantang jika ibu bekerja memiliki anak prasekolah (4-6 tahun). Pandemi menyebabkan ibu harus bekerja dari rumah sekaligus mendampingi anak dari rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dukungan sosial dan stres ibu terhadap perkembangan sosial emosi anak prasekolah pada keluarga dengan ibu bekerja selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini melibatkan 70 ibu bekerja formal dan informal yang memiliki anak usia 4-6 tahun, berasal dari keluarga utuh, dan berdomisili di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Pemilihan contoh dilakukan dengan voluntary sampling dan data dikumpulkan melalui self-administered menggunakan kuesioner online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan positif yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial dan perkembangan sosial emosi anak. Sementara itu, stres ibu dan perkembangan sosial emosi anak memiliki hubungan negatif yang signifikan. Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial yang diperoleh ibu dapat meningkatkan perkembangan sosial emosi anak, sedangkan stres ibu dapat menurunkan perkembangan sosial emosi anak. Hasil penelitian memiliki implikasi bahwa ibu bekerja harus memiliki manajemen stres dan strategi koping yang baik agar perkembangan sosial anak dapat berkembang dengan baik.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many changes that have forced working mothers to adapt. This is more challenging if working mothers have preschool children. Mothers have to work from home as well as accompany their children study from home. This study aimed to analyze the effect of social support and maternal stress on the social and emotional development of preschool children among working mothers families during Covid-19 pandemic. This study involved 70 mothers who worked formally or informally and have children aged 4-6 years, came from intact families, and are domiciled in DKI Jakarta and West Java area. Sample selection was done by voluntary sampling and data were collected through self-administered using an online questionnaire. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between social support and children's emotional social development. Meanwhile, maternal stress and children's social emotional development have a significant negative relationship. The regression test showed that the social support obtained by mothers could increase the social emotional development of children, while the stress could decrease the social emotional development of children. The implication of this study is that working mothers must have good stress management and coping strategies so their children's social emotional development can develop properly.
Appears in Collections:UT - Family and Consumer Sciences

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