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Title: Stabilitas dan Pendugaan Umur Simpan Produk Emulsi berbasis Minyak Ikan Mata Tuna dan Hidrolisat Protein Ikan Kayu
Other Titles: Stability and Estimation of Shelf Life of Tuna Eye Fish Oil-Based Emulsion Products and Katsuobushi Protein Hydrolyzate
Authors: Trilaksani, Wini
Riyanto, Bambang
Fitriyanti, Nurul Laily
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) sangat dibutuhkan pada masa kehamilan dan laktasi untuk perkembangan otak janin (bayi), dan dapat dikonsumsi sebagai suplemen untuk anak-anak serta orang dewasa dalam bentuk kapsul lunak maupun produk emulsi cair. Formulasi produk emulsi suplemen minyak ikan mata tuna kaya DHA dan hidrolisat protein ikan kayu masih diperlukan terkait kendala stabilitas emulsi dan umur simpan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan stabilitas dan umur simpan produk emulsi berbasis minyak ikan mata tuna dan hidrolisat protein ikan kayu. Penelitian meliputi produksi minyak ikan mata tuna, pembuatan hidrolisat protein ikan kayu dengan enzim papain 3.000 unit/g, pembuatan produk emulsi minyak ikan mata tuna dan hidrolisat protein ikan kayu, penyimpanan selama 14 hari, dan pendugaan umur simpan dengan metode Arrhenius pada suhu 40°C, 45°C, dan 50°C menggunakan titik kritis bilangan peroksida. Stabilitas emulsi menunjukkan adanya penurunan selama penyimpanan yang ditandai dengan peningkatan ukuran globula dari 1 µm menjadi 3 µm dan terjadi agregasi serta koalesensi pada penyimpanan hari ke 8 dan ke 10. Umur simpan melalui pendugaan Arrhenius menggunakan ordo nol dihasilkan lama penyimpanan 144 hari atau sekitar 4 bulan pada suhu 29°C.
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is necessary during pregnancy and lactation for fetal brain development (infants), and can be consumed as a supplement for children and adults in the form of soft capsules or liquid emulsion products. The formulation of a DHA-rich tuna eye fish oil supplement emulsion product and katsuobushi protein hydrolyzate is still desired due to the constraints of emulsion stability and shelf life. This objective of this study were to determine the stability and shelf life of tuna eye fish oil-based emulsion products and katsuobushi protein hydrolyzate. The research included the production of tuna eye fish oil, manufacture of katsuobushi protein hydrolyzate with papain enzyme 3,000 units/g, manufacture of tuna eye fish oil emulsion and katsuobushi protein hydrolyzate, storage for 14 days, and estimation of shelf life using the Arrhenius method at 40° C, 45°C, and 50°C with the critical point of peroxide number. Emulsion stability showed a decrease during storage which was indicated by an increase in globule size from 1 m to 3 m and the aggregation and coalescence occurred on the 8th and 10th days of storage. Shelf life through Arrhenius estimation using zero order resulted in a storage period of 144 days or about 4 months at 29°C.
Description: Skripsi ini akan dipublikasikan sebagai jurnal
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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