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Title: Kandungan Formaldehida Alami dan Kemunduran Mutu Ikan Layang Selama Penyimpanan Suhu Chilling
Other Titles: Natural Formaldehyde Content and Deterioration of the Quality of Scad Fish During Chilling Temperature Storage
Authors: Nurhayati, Tati
Nugraha, Roni
Khasanah, Nurul
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ikan layang merupakan ikan ekonomis tinggi yang banyak digemari masyarakat. Formaldehida pada ikan dapat terbentuk secara alami melalui pemecahan TMAO menjadi formaldehida dan DMA. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan kandungan formaldehida alami dan kaitannya terhadap kemunduran mutu ikan layang selama penyimpanan suhu chilling. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi uji organoleptik, pH, total volatile base (TVB), trimetilamina (TMA), formaldehida (FA), dan dimetilamina (DMA) setiap 2 hari sekali. Uji organoleptik ikan layang menunjukkan penurunan selama penyimpanan. Nilai pH menurun dihari ke-2 dan terus meningkat setelah penyimpanan hari ke-8 hingga hari terakhir. Nilai TVB dan TMA ikan layang di hari ke-0 sebesar 5,44 mgN/100g dan 0,78 mgN/100g, kemudian meningkat hingga penyimpanan hari terakhir. Kandungan FA sudah terbentuk di awal penyimpanan dengan nilai tertinggi yaitu 10,21 ppm pada penyimpanan hari ke-10. Kadar DMA tertinggi terlihat pada penyimpanan hari ke-14 sebesar 9,29 ppm. Formaldehida alami memiliki korelasi yang tinggi dan cukup tinggi dengan parameter kemunduran mutu seperti pH, TVB, TMA, dan DMA.
Scad fish is a high economic fish that is very popular with the public. Formaldehyde in fish can be formed naturally through the breakdown of TMAO into formaldehyde and DMA. The study aimed to determine the natural formaldehyde content and its relationship to the deterioration of the quality of scad fish during chilling temperature storage. The analysis includes an organoleptic test, pH, total volatile base (TVB), trimethylamine (TMA), formaldehyde (FA), and dimethylamine (DMA) every 2 days. The organoleptic test of scad showed a decrease during storage. The pH value decreased on the 2nd day and continued to increase after the 8th day of storage until the last day. The TVB and TMA values of scad fish on day 0 were 5.44 mgN/100g and 0.78 mgN/100g, then increased until the last day of storage. FA content was formed at the beginning of storage with the highest value of 10.21 ppm on the 10th day of storage. The highest DMA level was seen on the 14th day of storage at 9.29 ppm. Natural formaldehyde has a high and quite high correlation with quality deterioration parameters such as pH, TVB, TMA, and DMA.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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