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Title: Ekstraksi Minyak Ikan dari Jeroan Ikan Air Laut serta Potensinya sebagai Imunostimulan
Authors: Suseno, Sugeng Heri
Nugraha, Roni
Insani, Azzellya Permata
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Minyak ikan diketahui memiliki kandungan omega-3 yang tinggi dan baik untuk kesehatan. Kandungan poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) seperti omega-3 pada minyak ikan memiliki efek imunomodulator yang potensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil asam lemak serta potensi minyak ikan dari jeroan ikan air laut sebagai imunostimulan. Minyak ikan diekstraksi dari 7 jenis jeroan ikan air laut dengan metode bligh and dyer. Pengujian aktivitas imunostimulan dilakukan dengan melihat proliferasi sel splenosit mencit menggunakan metode MTT assay. Asam lemak dominan pada jeroan ikan bawal hitam, kakap merah, makarel, kembung dan selar kuning adalah asam palmitat, sedangkan asam lemak dominan pada jeroan ikan tongkol abu dan mahi-mahi adalah docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Jeroan ikan makarel dan tongkol abu mengandung PUFA tertinggi sehingga digunakan pada pengujian aktivitas proliferasi sel splenosit. Hasil pengujian aktivitas proliferasi sel splenosit menunjukkan ekstrak kasar minyak jeroan ikan makarel dan tongkol abu dapat meningkatkan proliferasi sel splenosit sehingga berpotensi sebagai imunostimulan.
Fish oil is known to have high omega-3 content and also good for health. The content of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as omega-3 in fish oil has a potential immunomodulatory effect. This study aims to determine the fatty acid profile and the potential of fish oil from the viscera of seawater fishes as an immunostimulant. Fish oil was extracted from 7 types of seawater fish viscera using the bligh and dyer method. Testing of immunostimulant activity was carried out by observing the proliferation of splenocyte cells of mice using the MTT assay method. The dominant fatty acid in black pomfret, red snapper, chub mackerel, indian mackerel and yellowstripe scad visceras were palmitic acid, while the dominant fatty acid in longtail tuna and dolphinfish visceras were docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Chub mackerel and longtail tuna fish oil contained the highest PUFA, so they were used in testing the proliferative activity of splenocytes. The results of the splenocyte cell proliferation activity test showed that crude extract of chub mackerel and longtail tuna viscera fish oil increased the proliferation of splenocyte cells so that they have potential as immunostimulants.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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