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Title: Kualitas Semen Cair Domba Lokal yang Diistirahatkan dari Program Perkawinan
Other Titles: The Quality of Chilled Local Ram Semen After a Rest Period from the Breeding Program
Authors: Yudi
Wientarsih, Ietje
Kurniati, Rina Nur Sari
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Istirahat kawin dalam waktu lama memengaruhi kualitas semen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kualitas semen cair domba lokal Indonesia yang diistirahatkan kawin. Semen dikoleksi dari empat ekor domba menggunakan vagina buatan. Semen segar dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Semen kemudian diencerkan dengan pengencer Tris-fruktosa-kuning telur (Tris) atau Na sitrat-fruktosa-kuning telur (Na sitrat) hingga konsentrasi 50x106 sel/0,2 mL. Semen cair dikemas dalam tabung sentrifugasi dan disimpan dalam lemari pendingin (4−5 ◦C). Motilitas progresif dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen cair dievaluasi setiap 24 jam selama 4 hari. Pengaruh lingkar skrotum (LS) terhadap semen segar maupun semen cair juga dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semen segar memiliki volume 1,08±0,12 mL, warna putih susu, konsistensi encer hingga kental, pH 6,42±0,13, gerakan massa 2,94±0,13, konsentrasi 4941±926,84x106 /mL, motilitas progresif 79,38±2,17%, viabilitas 87,74±3,48%, dan abnormalitas total 7,99±3,14%. Istirahat kawin meningkatkan konsentrasi dan abnormalitas spermatozoa semen segar. LS memengaruhi motilitas, viabilitas, konsentrasi, dan abnormalitas spermatozoa semen segar. Namun, istirahat kawin tidak memengaruhi kualitas semen cair. Tris mempertahankan motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen cair lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Na sitrat. Motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen cair kelompok LS 29 cm lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok LS 23 cm. Istirahat kawin disimpulkan memengaruhi kualitas semen segar, namun tidak memengaruhi kualitas semen cair domba lokal.
A long period of sexual rest influences the semen quality. The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of chilled Indonesian local ram semen after it was rested from the breeding program. Semen was collected from four local rams using an artificial vagina. Fresh semen was examined macroscopically and microscopically. Semen was diluted in Tris-fructose-egg yolk (Tris) or sodium citrate-fructose-egg yolk (Na citrate) to a final concentration of 50x106 cell/0.2 mL. Chilled semen was packed in a centrifugal tube and stored in the refrigerator (4−5◦C). Sperm progressive motility and viability of chilled semen were examined every 24 hours for 4 days. The effect of the scrotal circumference (SC) on fresh and chilled semen was also investigated. The results showed that the fresh semen had a volume of 1.08±0.12 mL, milky-white color, thin to thick consistency, pH of 6.42±0.13, mass movement of 2.94±0.13, concentration of 4941±926.84x106 sperm/ mL, progressive motility of 79.38±2.17%, viability of 87.74±3.48%, and total abnormality of 7.99±3.14%. Sexual rest increased fresh semen concentration and sperm abnormality. SC affected sperm motility, viability, concentration, and abnormality of ram fresh semen. Sexual rest did not affect the quality of chilled semen. Tris extenders preserved viability and motility of ram sperm better than Na citrate. The sperm motility and viability in chilled semen from SC of 29 cm were better than semen from SC of 23 cm. This study concluded that sexual rest had effects on the fresh semen but showed no significant effect on chilled local ram semen.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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