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Title: Therapeutic Drugs Used Myxomatous Mitral Valve Degeneration (MMVD) in Dogs at Gasing Veterinary Hospital in Selangor,
Authors: Andriyanto
Hadi, Upik Kesumawati
Huey, Lynette Ong
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) is a chronic degenerative disease in which the cardiac valves, mainly the mitral valve, undergo leaflet thickening or prolapse due to aging process or genetic factor. There are five stages of MMVD in dogs, namely stage A, stage B1, stage B2, stage C, and finally stage D. Clinical symptoms of MMVD can be seen from stage C onwards, where congestive heart failure signs are obvious. The study aims to obtain and analyze secondary data of the therapeutic drugs used in the treatment of MMVD at Gasing Veterinary Hospital in the year 2021. The highest percentage of drugs used were ACE inhibitors and positive inotropes both at 33%. Diuretics were the second most administered drug at 26%. Other therapeutic drugs which were administered in smaller proportions include bronchodilators at 5%, antiplatelet at 2%, and calcium channel blocker at 1%. It was concluded that the types of drugs that were administered in MMVD cases comprised of ACE inhibitors, positive inotropes, diuretics, bronchodilators, antiplatelet, and calcium channel blocker.
Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) adalah suatu penyakit degeneratif kronik pada katup jantung yang ditandai dengan penebalan atau prolaps katup karena proses penuaan atau faktor genetik, terutama terjadi pada katup mitral. Terdapat lima stadium MMVD pada anjing, yaitu stadium A, stadium B1, stadium B2, stadium C, dan terakhir stadium D. Gejala klinis MMVD dapat dilihat dari stadium C dan seterusnya, ditandai dengan adanya gagal jantung kongestif yang terlihat jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dan menganalisis data sekunder obat terapeutik yang digunakan dalam pengobatan MMVD di Rumah Sakit Hewan Gasing tahun 2021. Persentase obat tertinggi yang digunakan berupa ACE inhibitor dan inotrop positif dengan persentase keduanya sebesar 33%. Diuretik adalah obat kedua yang paling banyak diberikan dengan persentase sebesar 26%. Obat terapeutik lain yang diberikan dalam proporsi yang lebih kecil diantaranya bronkodilator 5%, antiplatelet 2%, dan antagonis kalsium 1%. Secara kesimpulan, jenis obat yang diberikan pada kasus MMVD terdiri dari ACE inhibitor, inotrop positif, diuretik, bronkodilator, antiplatelet, dan antagonis kalsium.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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