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Title: Imobilisasi Pediococcus acidilactici dan Staphylococcus warneri pada Elektroda Microbial Fuel Cell Limbah Pemindangan Ikan
Authors: Ibrahim, Bustami
Habibi, Ahmad Muchlis
Issue Date: 18-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB Universtiy
Abstract: Bahan organik berlebih pada limbah cair industri perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi sumber karbon bagi bakteri yang terdapat pada sistem microbial fuel cell (MFC). Pediococcus acidilactici (A1G) dan Staphylococcus warneri (A3T2) merupakan bakteri yang dapat ditemukan pada elektroda MFC. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kinerja MFC yang lebih baik dalam menghasilkan elektrisitas antara penempelan bakteri pada katoda dan anoda serta menentukan perubahan beban polutan limbah cair pemindangan ikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam lima tahap, yaitu kultivasi isolat bakteri, persiapan imobilisasi bakteri pada anoda dan katoda, persiapan desain alat MFC satu bejana, aklimatisasi lumpur aktif, dan proses transformasi MFC. Penempelan bakteri A1G pada anoda menghasilkan nilai elektrisitas MFC yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan penempelan bakteri A3T2 pada katoda. Beban polutan setelah proses MFC mengalami penurunan pada parameter COD, BOD, dan TAN sebesar 50,65%, 35,07%, dan 60,08%. Nilai pH setelah proses MFC berkisar 6,03-6,33.
The excessive organic components inside the fisheries wastewater could be utilized as a source of carbon for bacteria found in the microbial fuel cell (MFC) system. Pediococcus acidilactici (A1G) and Staphylococcus warneri (A3T2) are bacteria that could be found in the MFC electrode. The aim of this research was to decide which MFC functioned better in producing electricity between bacterial attachments on the cathode and the anode, as well as for deciding the pollutant load alteration of boiled fish processing wastewater. This research was carried out in five stages, bacterial isolate cultivation, preparation of bacterial immobilization at the anode and cathode, design preparation of single chamber MFC, acclimatization of activated sludge, and the MFC transformation process. The attachment of the AIG bacteria on the anode produced a higher MFC electrical value compared to the A3T2 bacterial attachment on the cathode. The pollutant load after the MFC process, based on the parameter of COD, BOD, and TAN decreased to 50,65%, 35,07%, and 60,08%. pH value after the MFC process was in the 6,03-6,33 range.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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