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Title: Pengembangan Mutu Tempe Berbahan Baku Kacang Tunggak dan Kedelai
Other Titles: Quality Development of Tempe that Made from Cowpeas and Soybeans
Authors: Astawan, Made
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tempe merupakan pangan tradisional Indonesia yang umumnya terbuat dari kedelai yang difermentasi oleh kapang Rhizopus spp. Indonesia memiliki ketergantungan terhadap kedelai impor yang cukup tinggi. Penggunaan kacang tunggak (Vigna unguiculata) sebagai bahan baku tempe akan mengurangi impor kedelai dan mendukung diversifikasi pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan formula optimum tempe kombinasi kacang tunggak dan kedelai dengan parameter mutu yang setara dengan tempe kedelai (golden standard). Optimasi formula dilakukan berdasarkan rancangan response surface methodology menggunakan program aplikasi lunak Design Expert 12. Rekomendasi formula optimum yaitu kombinasi kacang tunggak 30% dan kedelai 70% dengan nilai desirability 0,87. Formulasi optimum bahan baku tersebut menghasilkan tempe dengan nilai L (tingkat kecerahan)= 77,01, a (merah-hijau)= 0,55, b (kuning-biru)= 12,55, kekerasan = 12,62 Kgf, aktivitas air= 0,99, dan pH= 6,16. Komposisi proksimat tempe kombinasi optimum memenuhi mutu SNI 3144:2015, yaitu kadar air 60,28, abu 0,64, lemak 11,67, protein 17,67, dan karbohidrat 10,28 %bb. Uji sensori rating hedonik mengggunakan skala 1-7 (sangat tidak suka-sangat suka) pada tempe segar kombinasi optimum menghasilkan skor atribut warna= 4,38, aroma= 4,89, tekstur= 4,81, dan overall= 5,02, sedangkan pada tempe goreng menghasilkan skor atribut warna= 4,38, aroma= 5,34, tekstur= 4,91, rasa= 5,09, dan overall= 5,02.
Tempe is a traditional Indonesian food which is generally made from soybeans fermented by Rhizopus spp. Indonesia has a high dependence on imported soybeans. The use of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) as a raw material for tempe will reduce soybean imports and support food diversification. This study aims to produce the optimum formula for tempe combination of cowpeas and soybeans with quality parameters equivalent to soybean tempe (golden standard). The optimization of the formula was carried out based on the response surface methodology design using the Design Expert 12 software application. The recommended optimum formula is a combination of 30% cowpea and 70% soybean with a desirability value of 0,87. The optimum formulation of these raw materials produces tempe with a value of L (brightness level)= 77,01, a (red-green)= 0,55, b (yellow-blue)= 12,55, hardness= 12,62 Kgf, water activity= 0,99, and pH= 6,16. The proximate compositions of the optimum combination tempe qualify SNI 3144:2015, which are water content 60,28, ash 0,64, fat 11,67, protein 17,67, and carbohydrates 10,28 %ww. Sensory rating hedonic test using 1-7(very dislike – very much like) scale. The optimum combination of fresh tempe results in a color attribute score= 4,38, aroma= 4,89, texture= 4,81, and overall= 5,02, while fried tempe results in a color attribute score= 4,38, aroma= 5,34, texture= 4,91, taste= 5,09, and overall= 5,02.
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Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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