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Title: Kapasitas Antioksidan Hidrolisat Protein Hasil Samping Ekstraksi Minyak Mata Tuna
Other Titles: Antioxidant Capacity of Hydrolyzed Protein from Tuna Eye Oil Extraction By-product
Authors: Trilaksani, Wini
Nurhayati, Tati
Martosuyono, Pujoyuwono
Ramdhani, Putri Nozla
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Mata merupakan salah satu hasil samping pengolahan tuna yang memiliki potensi pemanfaatan sebagai bahan baku produk bernilai tambah yaitu virgin fish oil (VFO) dan hidrolisat protein ikan. Produksi hidrolisat protein mata tuna dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan akibat pembuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kapasitas antioksidan hidrolisat protein mata tuna hasil samping ekstraksi minyak mata tuna (VFO) dengan kombinasi perlakuan urutan penambahan enzim dan waktu inkubasi. Ekstraksi dengan penambahan 0,5% alkalase setelah sentrifugasi (E2) menghasilkan rendemen minyak tertinggi yaitu 25,82±5,33% dan kadar lemak pelet terendah yaitu 9,40±0,65%. Hidrolisis lanjut selama 7 jam terhadap pelet hasil penambahan 0,5% alkalase sebelum sentrifugasi (E1) menunjukkan kapasitas antioksidan kuat sebesar 443,92±11,72 µmol asam askorbat/g pada metode CUPRAC dan 0,33±0,27 ppm pada metode ABTS. Kapasitas antioksidan tersebut berkaitan dengan bobot molekul hidrolisat yang kurang dari 10 kDa serta kandungan residu asam amino hidrofobik dan polar pada peptidanya. Hidrolisat E1 memiliki efisiensi produksi yang lebih dipilih dibanding E2.
Eye is one of tuna processing by-products that has potential to be used as raw material for value-added products such as virgin fish oil (VFO) and fish protein hydrolysate. The production of tuna eye protein hydrolysate can reduce the impact of waste disposal. This study aimed to analyze the antioxidant capacity of hydrolyzed protein from tuna eye oil (VFO) extraction by-product with combination of enzyme addition order and incubation time. Extraction with 0.5% alcalase addition after centrifugation (E2) resulted in the highest oil yield of 25.82±5.33% and the lowest pellet fat content of 9.40±0.65%. Further hydrolysis for 7 hours of pellets resulted from the addition of 0.5% alcalase before centrifugation (E1) showed strong antioxidant capacity equal to 443.92±11.72 µmol ascorbic acid/g in CUPRAC method and 0.33±0.27 ppm in the ABTS method. The antioxidant capacity of tuna eye protein hydrolysate is related to its molecular weight which is less than 10 kDa, hydrophobicity and polar amino acid residues in its peptide. Hydrolyzate E1 was prefereable than E2 based on its production efficiency.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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