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Title: Karakterisasi Fisikokimia Pati dari Beberapa Jenis Umbi
Other Titles: Physicochemical Characterization of Starch from Several Types of Tubers
Authors: Andarwulan, Nuri
Faridah, Didah Nur
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Salah satu tanaman alternatif sumber karbohidrat berasal dari tanaman umbi-umbian. Pati merupakan sumber karbohidrat terbesar pada tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari karakteristik fisikokimia pati dari beberapa jenis umbi, seperti singkong, ubi jalar, talas bogor, talas beneng, dan anuwun sehingga dapat diketahui potensi pemanfaatannya. Karakterisasi fisikokimia yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis proksimat, kadar pati, amilosa dan amilopektin, serat kasar, bentuk dan ukuran granula pati, kristalinitas pati, profil gelatinisasi pati, dan kestabilan panas pati. Kelima jenis pati umbi memiliki kadar pati basis kering yang tinggi, seperti pati singkong yaitu 96,04%; ubi jalar yaitu 89,98%; talas bogor yaitu 89,86%; talas beneng yaitu 87,45%; dan anuwun yaitu 90,11%. Kadar amilosa basis kering pati singkong yaitu 35,45%; ubi jalar yaitu 36,88%; talas bogor yaitu 15,33%; talas beneng yaitu 27,15%; dan anuwun yaitu 32,84%. Kelima jenis pati umbi memiliki kadar serat kasar basis kering yang rendah. Pati singkong, ubi jalar, dan anuwun memiliki bentuk granula hampir bulat dan berukuran sedang. Sementara itu pati talas bogor dan talas beneng memiliki bentuk poligonal dan berukuran kecil. Kelima jenis pati memiliki profil gelatinisasi pati tipe A dan kristalinitas pati tipe A. Kristalinitas pati singkong yaitu sebesar 10,21%; ubi jalar yaitu 10,92%; talas bogor yaitu 12,89%; talas beneng yaitu 12,86%; dan anuwun yaitu 10,14%. Analisis kestabilan panas dari kelima jenis pati menunjukkan puncak endotermik sekitar 59,45 – 66,89°C dan entalpi transisi sekitar 145,4284 - 191,8308 J/g. Berdasarkan analisis multivariat menggunakan Principle Component Analysis (PCA) pati singkong dan pati ubi jalar memiliki karakteristik fisikokimia yang mirip. Sementara itu pati talas bogor, talas beneng, dan anuwun memiliki karakteristik fisikokimia yang berbeda.
One of the alternative sources of carbohydrates comes from root crops. Starch is the largest source of carbohydrates in plants. The purpose of this study was to study the physicochemical characteristics of starch from several types of tubers, such as cassava, sweet potato, bogor taro, beneng taro, and anuwun so that their potential utilization can be identified. The physicochemical characterizations carried out in this study were proximate analysis, starch content, amylose and amylopectin, crude fiber, starch granule shape and size, starch gelatinization profile, starch heat stability, and starch crystallinity. The five types of tuber starch have high dry base starch content, such as cassava starch which is 96.04%; sweet potato is 89.98%; taro bogor is 89.86%; taro beneng is 87.45%; and anuwun is 90.11%. The dry base amylose content of cassava starch was 35.45%; sweet potato is 36.88%; taro bogor is 15.33%; taro beneng is 27.15%; and anuwun is 32.84%. The five types of tuber starch have low dry base crude fiber content. Cassava, sweet potato, and anuwun starch have almost round granule shape and medium size. Meanwhile, bogor taro and beneng taro strach have a polygonal shape and are small in size. The five types of starch have a starch gelatinization profile type A and starch crystallinity type A. The crystallinity of cassava starch was 10.21%; sweet potato is 10.92%; taro bogor that is 12.89%; taro beneng is 12.86%; and anuwun is 10.14%. Heat stability analysis of the five types of starch showed endothermic peaks around 59.45 – 66.89°C and transition enthalpies around 145.4284 - 191.8308 J/g. Based on multivariate analysis using Principle Component Analysis (PCA), cassava starch and sweet potato starch have the same physicochemical characteristics. Meanwhile, taro bogor, taro beneng, and anuwun starch have different physicochemical characteristics.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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