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Title: Struktur Prosoma Belangkas Tachypleus gigas dan Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Menggunakan Respon Impuls Akustik
Other Titles: The Structure of the Tachypleus gigas and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Prosoma using Acoustic Impulse Response
Authors: Riyanto, Bambang
Ramadhan, Wahyu
Putri, Azra Intania
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Klasifikasi belangkas didominasi kekhasan pada eksoskeleton. Spesifikasi struktur eksoskeleton (prosoma) dapat dikembangkan melalui pengukuran non destruktif menggunakan metode respon impuls akustik. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan struktur prosoma Tachypleus gigas (T. gigas) dan Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (C. rotundicauda) menggunakan respon impuls akustik. Penelitian meliputi identifikasi dan karakterisasi morfometrik, karakterisasi komponen dan struktur prosoma T. gigas dan C. rotundicauda. T. gigas dan C. rotundicauda memiliki protein dan serat kasar yang tinggi, serta gugus fungsi yang sesuai dengan kitin. Terlihat pula kesamaan berat prosoma dan prosoma 484.33 ± 5.13 g dan 493.33 ±15.28 g serta densitas 1206.45 ± 148.01 kg/m3 dan 1264.60 ± 120.01 kg/m3. Perbedaan terlihat pada diameter pori dan penampang atau (strut) T. gigas, yaitu 431.39μm ± 166.22 dan 153.30μm ± 33.62 sedangkan C. rotundicauda yaitu 120.09μm ± 57.83 dan 98.0881μm ± 26.75 serta kuat tekan 220,68 kPa dan 285,88 kPa, dan elastisitas 17,85 dan 38,12. Kerapatan gelombang akustik dapat mendeteksi perbedaan struktur prosoma T. gigas dan C. rotundicauda yang selaras dengan ukuran unit rongga pori, diameter penopang (strut) dan kuat tekan
The classification of the horseshoe crab is dominated by the peculiarities of the exoskeleton. Exoskeleton structure specifications (prosoma) can be developed through non-destructive measurements using the acoustic impulse response method. The aim of the study was to determine the structure of the prosoma of Tachypleus gigas (T. gigas) and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (C. rotundicauda) using acoustic impulse responses. The research includes and determines the morphometric characterization, component characterization and structure of the prosoma of T. gigas and C. rotundicauda. T. gigas and C. rotundicauda have high protein and crude fiber, as well as functional groups corresponding to chitin. It is also seen that the weights of prosoma and prosoma are 484.33 ± 5.13 g and 493.33 ± 15.28 g and the densities are 1206.45 ± 148.01 kg/m3 and 1264.60 ± 120.01 kg/m3. The difference is seen in the pore diameter and cross section or (strut) of T. gigas, which is 431.39μm ± 166.22 and 153.30μm ± 33.62 while C. rotundicauda is 120.09μm ± 57.83 and 98.0881μm ± 26.75 and compressive strength of 220.68 kPa and 285.88 kPa, and elasticity 17.85 and 38.12. Acoustic wave density can detect differences in the structure of the prosoma of T. gigas and C. rotundicauda which is in line with the size of the pore cavity unit, the diameter of the strut and the compressive strength.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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