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Title: Potensi Isolat Protein Tempe dalam Menanggulangi Stres Oksidatif pada Tikus Diabetes
Authors: Wresdiyati, Tutik
Astawan, Made
Rachmawati, Nikita Arsy
Issue Date: 8-Oct-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kondisi hiperglikemia pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM) menyebabkan produksi radikal bebas berlebih. Radikal bebas tersebut dapat dihasilkan melalui berbagai mekanisme seperti oksidasi lipid, jalur sorbitol, jalur heksoamin, pembentukan advanced glycation end products (AGEs) dan lain-lain. Peningkatan jumlah radikal bebas disertai dengan ketidakmampuan antioksidan dalam menetralkannya menyebabkan terjadinya stres oksidatif. Kondisi tersebut dapat menyebabkan komplikasi diabetes ataupun memperburuk kondisi DM itu sendiri. Tempe telah banyak diteliti manfaatnya, baik dari kandungan zat-zat gizi maupun non-gizinya. Sayangnya, tempe memiliki umur simpan yang relatif pendek akibat kandungan air dan lemaknya yang tinggi. Inovasi untuk memperpanjang daya simpan dan daya guna dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengolah tempe menjadi isolat protein tempe (IPT). Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan dua jenis IPT, yaitu isolat protein tempe dari kedelai non-germinasi (IPTN) dan dari kedelai germinasi (IPTG). Selanjutnya, kemampuan IPTN dan IPTG dalam menanggulangi stres oksidatif dibandingkan dengan isolat protein kedelai komersial (IPKK). Pengujian in vivo dilakukan selama 28 hari dengan menggunakan tikus galur Sprague-Dawley sebanyak 30 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok. Pemodelan tikus DM dilakukan dengan menginduksi aloksan 110 mg/kg BB secara intraperitoneal. IPKK, IPTN dan IPTG diberikan pada setiap kelompok tikus masing-masing sebanyak 900 mg/kg BB dengan cara dicekok. Parameter yang diukur adalah: perubahan berat badan, kadar glukosa darah, profil hematologi dan biokimia serum, kadar malondialdehid (MDA), aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase (SOD) pada hati dan ginjal, serta profil kandungan antioksidan Cu,Zn SOD secara imunohistokimia pada organ pankreas, hati dan ginjal tikus percobaan. Efek pemberian IPTN dan IPTG terbukti lebih baik dibandingkan IPKK dalam menanggulangi stres oksidatif pada tikus model DM. Hasil tersebut dapat dilihat pada parameter penurunan glukosa darah, penurunan kadar MDA pada ginjal, serta aktivitas enzim SOD pada hati dan ginjal. Profil hematologi dan biokimia serum tikus menunjukkan pemberian IPKK, IPTN dan IPTG mampu menjaga nilai profil hematologi dan biokimia serum berada dalam rentang nilai rujukan. Diantara ketiga isolat yang diberikan, IPTN menunjukkan potensi yang paling baik dalam menanggulangi stres oksidatif pada tikus DM. Hasil tersebut dapat dilihat dari kemampuan IPTN dalam menjaga fluktuatif berat badan dan glukosa darah, serta meningkatkan kandungan antioksidan Cu,Zn-SOD pada pankreas, hati dan ginjal. Hasil tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh kandungan isoflavon, asam amino insulinotropik serta kandungan mineral Zn pada IPTN.
Hyperglycemia in people with diabetes mellitus (DM) causes excessive free radical production. These free radicals are generated through various mechanisms such as lipid oxidation, the sorbitol pathway, the hexoamine pathway, the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and others. The increased number of free radicals along with the inability of the antioxidants in neutralising them results in oxidative stress. These conditions can cause complications of diabetes or worsen the condition of DM itself. Tempe has been widely studied for its benefits, both from the content of nutrients and non-nutritional substances. Unfortunately, tempeh has a relatively short shelf life due to its high water and fat content. Innovations to extend shelf life and usability can be done by processing tempeh into tempeh protein isolate. In this study, two types of IPT were produced, namely isolates of tempeh protein from non-germinated soybeans (IPTN) and from germinated soybeans (IPTG). Furthermore, the ability of IPTN and IPTG in overcoming oxidative stress was compared with commercial soybean protein isolate (IPKK). In vivo testing was carried out for 28 days using 30 Sprague-Dawley rats which were divided into 6 groups. DM rat modeling was done by inducing alloxan 110 mg/kg BW intraperitoneally. IPKK, IPTN dan IPTG given to each group of rats was 900 mg/kg BW by gavage oral. The measured parameters consisted of changes in body weight, blood glucose levels, profile of haematology and biochemical serum, malondialdehid (MDA) levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity in the liver and kidneys, also immunohistochemical profiles of Cu,Zn-SOD antioxidants in pancreas, liver and kidney. The effect of giving IPTN and IPTG proved to be better than IPKK in overcoming oxidative stress in alloxan-induced DM rats. These results can be seen through decreasing blood glucose, decreasing levels of MDA in the kidneys, also increasing SOD enzyme activity in the liver and kidneys. The hematological profiles and biochemical serum showed there was no significant difference (p>0.05) given the IPKK, IPTN and IPTG. All three were able to keep haematological profile and biochemical serum values within the reference value range. Among the three isolates given, IPTN showed the best potential in overcoming oxidative stress in DM rats. These results can be seen from the ability of IPTN to maintain fluctuating body weight and blood glucose, as well as increasing the antioxidant content of Cu, Zn-SOD in the pancreas, liver and kidneys. These results can be caused by the content of isoflavones, insulinotropic amino acids and the mineral content of Zn in IPTN.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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